Intercultural Life

Tag: super junior giveaway

Kpop Giveaways!


Okay I have some stuff to giveaway! To enter all you have to do is leave a comment and say which prize you’d like to win.

First up, SHINEE! I have one little plastic pouch to give away.

shinee giveaway1


Shinee giveaway3



Now…. SUPER JUNIOR! A pair of socks and a small notepad pack.


And finally… BEAST! I have one post card set.

beast giveaway


beast giveaway 2


Leave a comment saying which prize you want to win (or you can just say all three).

No spamming from multiple accounts please. I’ll randomly choose the winners next week! And don’t forget to check out the Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Super Junior Giveaway winners

You know the drill, winners are picked randomly by my husband.

First prize (all the socks) goes to:

Congratulations to MirOppa!

Second prize (the folder sleeve) goes to:

Congratulations Neyteri Sully!

Could you the winners please send me an email at to claim your prizes.

For the next giveaway I may give away….. Beast socks? Anyone interested?

Super Junior Giveaway

EDIT: Congratulations to the winners MirOppa (first prize) and Neyteri Sully (second prize).


Okay another giveaway with some things from Korea. Socks again!

This time Super Junior!

First prize is 12 Super Junior socks. I think some of the socks are members that have left the group. Sorry I don’t know much about individual members of Super Junior and this is just how I was given them. But hopefully most are current members.

Second prize is a Super Junior folder sleeve. Do you want to put your important documents in Super Junior?!

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment in the comments section. Also if you haven’t already, don’t forget to like the My Korean Husband Facebook page and follow on Twitter.

The winners will be chosen randomly in 2 weeks. Good Luck!


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