I think the Beast will need therapy after the horrors he has seen. There was a slight bit of translation so his mother knew what I was saying and her response was that he should at least put underwear on. I’ve mentioned this before, but yes the Beauty and the Beast pillow is his.
He does try to stop me making these type of comics sometimes because at first he will be like, “Nooo! People will think I’m a pervert or something!” But really his nudity is so childlike. You know how in hot weather 2 year olds take off all their clothes? We share an apartment and the couple we live with don’t seem to understand the word “share” so although technically we have a right to use the living space, we aren’t really allowed to, so we spend most of our time in our room. Sometimes I think his nudity is a reaction to that. Okay we live with not very nice people but he is making the most of our own space by deliberately being naked.

Sorry if this post is a bit rambling. Had very little sleep and just spent 7 hours on a train.
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