Intercultural Life

Tag: my korean husband being a jerk


sandcastleLuckily the children who made it had gone when he did this. I’m pretty sure if we met as children we wouldn’t be friends. I was the type of child who would sit there quietly for hours creating things and definitely would have put a lot of effort into a sandcastle. My husband was definitely a naughty little boy who would have destroyed it.

Oww My Toes

It was Sunday and we were like “Yay let’s make Korean pancakes together!” Unfortunately my excitement ended when my foot collided with the stupid wall.

I think I ‘cry wolf’ too often because he wasn’t too concerned, even with my very loud wailing. Okay sometimes I act too dramatic about minor hurts but this one was bad! You know the feeling of bumping your elbow and knocking your funny bone and the pain is like aghhhhhh? It was even worse than that. All my toes! I swore all my toes were broken!

He was sympathetic but when he saw that nothing was broken he continued to the kitchen but I had to lay there for a bit longer. Ow!

Water Flick

Well let’s hope that was just water….

My husband swears this is a Korean thing and people with Korean partners will have experienced this. I think maybe he is justifying being a jerk hehe. Let me know in the comments section.

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