Intercultural Life

Tag: kpop concerts in korea


For the Kpop fans:

With these types of vlogs I hope to show international fans the whole experience of Kpop concerts in Korea. There isn’t any lining up from morning as all the floor tickets have a number and people line up according to that number. My ticket number was standing section A 288 and I was about 3rd row in that section. I could see really well, except for when they were on the middle stage. All the fans around me were really lovely and it was no where near as pushy as other concerts I’ve been to in Australia.

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Kpop Concerts – Chat with Chloe

This was actually filmed months ago, right after the iKON debut concert.

Chloe and I are a similar age (which is older than the average Kpop fan) but lately have been going to some Kpop concerts. They are so fun and I find I enjoy music a lot more when I’m older and married and just don’t care what people think and I’m not going to cry because I can’t date my “oppa”. In fact, I don’t have any “oppas”! I’m older than all of them…. hahaha…

We’ve mentioned scalpers in another video but there are always so many scalpers in Korea and they manage to buy up a lot of tickets. If you are going to buy tickets from a scalper, Hugh recommends waiting because prices they quote will likely go down the nearer the concert gets.

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