Intercultural Life

Tag: korean learning english (Page 1 of 2)



When learning another language, sometimes you just latch on to the more childlike ways to say things because it sounds funny or cute to you. Hugh always prefers to say “boobies”, even when talking about his own pecs. I like using the children’s way of saying animal names in Korean as well.

Have you witnessed the way that guys make their friends touch them after their workouts??? haha Unfortunately I don’t show enough interest in the hardness of pecs, but when there are no friends around, I’m the one that has to check how hard they are after working out.

Chop Chop

Chop Chop

“Chop Chop” meaning to “hurry hurry” is something my mum says a lot. My husband picked it up from her and uses it sometimes. The funny thing is that phrase was originally in Cantonese! I didn’t know that until I did a quick search about it. It was adopted by English seaman from Chinese workers. The earliest mention of it in print is in an English newspaper in China in 1834. And the earliest mention of it outside of China was in a London newspaper in 1909. (Wikipedia).

It obviously became a part of Australian English as well and I find it funny that my husband is learning a phrase in English that was originally rooted in Cantonese. I always find the history of words and phrases really interesting.

Two Phones

Two Phones

I don’t know where he picks up these sayings! I also don’t know why he needs two phones and why he keeps them in the bed at night.

He is much more attached to his phones than me, and is always using them. I’m the type to put my phone down somewhere and not check it until six hours later.

Fat Baby

Fat baby

It’s funny the sayings he picks up sometimes. He used it perfectly in this situation as well. If you are not a native English speaker or have not heard it before, ‘chubby bubby’ is just a cute way of saying ‘fat baby’ or not even especially fat, just a bit roly poly.

He can get pretty clucky sometimes. ‘Clucky’ is a word used in Australia but I think in other countries the word ‘broody’ is used. Basically the feeling of wanting a baby. I don’t think he is ready to be a father quite yet though…

Crappy Creepy

Crappy Creepy

I accumulate so many coins in my purse. I don’t care but it annoys him so every now and then he’ll count them out like that.

He has been saying “crappy” like “creepy” a lot lately and it always sounds funny because it can completely change the meaning.

I often read a blog called Crappy Pictures which is a funny parenting blog. But when my husband refers to it he always says “Creepy Pictures” which sounds really wrong! Especially when it’s such a cute, funny blog.

Does anyone else hate using coins and having to count out the right number while the shop assistant is waiting? My husband often scolds me when I just use a note to pay for something when I obviously had enough in coins. And then I get even more coins from the change.

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