Intercultural Life

Tag: korean farm (Page 2 of 2)



The main crops are strawberries and kiwi fruits, but those aren’t in season right now. These are all vegetables that we grow for ourselves, so most of what we eat is from the farm. Though one time Mr Gwon told me everything on the table was from our farm, but I held up part of an octopus and asked where the octopus plants were… We still need to buy things like meat.

Also, potatoes are really easy to grow. My mother in law always laughs in disdain when on TV there will be people selling and promoting “organic potatoes”. They are always organic because you don’t need to do anything with them here! They just pop out of the ground. Don’t believe anyone trying to sell you organic potatoes at a higher price.

Farm Work in Korea

On the weekend I noticed a lot of farm work was being done. There were a lot more people in the fields and I soon discovered that in order for the onion crops to be harvested family, friends and other workers are called in to help. We rode our bikes around and filmed some of the onion harvesting and some other farm work being done. We didn’t want to shove the camera in people’s faces so we mostly filmed at a distance.

Things that have also changed since our last countryside video: the concrete channels besides the fields have been cleaned out and now flow with water, wheat has been harvested and rice is now being planted in those fields, strawberry plants are left to die, potatoes are in season and being harvested, chilli plants are being grown, and kiwifruits are getting bigger but not full size yet.


jam (800x800)

I feel bad for the rejected strawberries that just get made into jam! The good quality strawberries get packed nicely and shipped off to department stores.

It is coming to the end of strawberry season. It’s so warm now that we can’t send strawberries through the post like we did before. During colder months it is easy to send boxes of strawberries overnight to friends, but not now. We will still be growing strawberries for a little longer but they will all be jam strawberries. Anyone can pick jam strawberries as well because it doesn’t matter if they get crushed.

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