My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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The best sushi in Korea?

Where to get high-end sushi in Korea?

You might think that you need to go to Japan to get amazing sushi, but if you are in Korea or are planning a trip, there are places to have a real sushi experience with a Japanese sushi chef!

We first met Chef Koji in Australia years ago. His wife is Korean and knew Hugh. We had been meaning to visit his sushi restaurant for ages but hadn’t had the chance. They invited us to come make a video though and we ended up having the best sushi experience of our lives.

We love sushi, and are happy to eat all kinda and quality of sushi. But experiencing this type of sushi was just a whole other level. Chef Koji taught us how quickly sushi needs to be eaten because the temperature of the rice is so important. He took us on an amazing sushi adventure and really opened out minds to all the amazing flavours there are- not just salmon!

Our son Yul really enjoyed the udon noodles but refused to eat the sushi. Can’t explain much to two-year-olds! Koji’s own daughters prefer the udon as well. One of his daughters, when asked what her father does, says he makes udon! She understands udon is delicious but not that her father is an amazing and famous sushi chef.

Sushi Koji is open for lunch and dinner and while pricey, as high quality sushi is, it’s well worth the experience.

Update: What we have been up to

As we mention in this recent video here, we have been very busy lately. Hugh is building up his own business, and it’s going well, but takes a lot of time.

I tried to do a clickbaity title for that video, but just felt bad when it scared our genuine viewers! Sorry guys! Everything is fine.

A while ago we talked about how we were going to do YouTube “full-time”, but in all the years of doing YouTube, we’ve never only just done YouTube. We always have other work or projects going on. We don’t have the time to dedicate to several uploads a week. Hugh had quit his job around that time so we thought we’d put more time into YouTube, but his own business really started going well. Which is great! But it seems like a weekly video is what we can manage at the moment.

Being parents as well, we have very limited time for filming and editing as it’s almost impossible to do when our son Yul is home from daycare.

The other video we have at the moment is a video that was filmed over several months and it shows me getting the Acculift procedure done. When I first mentioned this procedure there were a lot of people interested in it, and interested in coming to Korea to get it done. So in my video I show the whole process and give a lot of information so people can make the right decision for them. Watch that video here.

Being a model in South Korea

Our son does child modelling in Seoul.

In this video we show a day where our son Yul has a photoshoot. He was a model for this kids suit company. We never had plans for our child to do any modelling. Agencies and companies saw his photo and we started to get contacted and asked if he does modelling. He only does a few things, and we say no to most things.

For us, when he does have a photoshoot, we try to make the whole day fun for him. These photos were actually taken over several months with three different sessions. It’s not easy to get a toddler into suits!

I wanted to talk a bit about our thinking behind letting our son do this. We really aren’t interested in pushing our child into a career so we don’t take him to any auditions, we only go when he is already selected to be in a final round and they need a screen test. We only do things where we can get some great photos out of it, or he can have a cool experience. Child modelling is hard, it’s easy to take photos of your kid at home, but it’s much harder to get them to perform in front of a strange photographer or camera man.

I do give some advice for parents who think their child can be a model in the video as well.

For this photoshoot, we really liked the CEO of this kids suit company, and the photographer and staff were very patient and kind. They also wanted to continue to work with Yul after the first shoot, even when they could have picked another model. But now that these sessions have finished, we aren’t interested in him doing any modelling for quite a while. We will consider if any amazing opportunities come up. But for now it’s important that he has a normal childhood.

We do hear horror stories about pushy stage parents and overworked kids in the industry, so we are always thinking about the downside of this. As we show in the video, we try to make the whole day fun for Yul. Luckily these types of studios are very big with lots of space so he can play. Other times when he has been a model for a photography studio the staff have super fun and he has had a great time. But it’s hard to get kids into different outfits and keep a positive mood. As parents we don’t want to be dragging him to many shoots all the time.

So while our son is definitely a natural, we don’t want him to have a career of this at this age. We’ll see what his interest is as he gets older.

Make the most of your time in Seoul

How to make the most of your time in Seoul

I think when people visit Seoul they can make the mistake of doing a lot of wandering around but missing all the good points. We recently did this video for Seoul Guided Walking Tour, which is a free government program for tourists (or residents) that offers many walking tours.

For example, a lot of people go to Gyeongbokgung palace and aimlessly walk around. While there are some signs with history points, it is actually hard to get a good sense of the cultural and historical context. There are tours that the palace provides but I was way more impressed with our guide who is from the Seoul Guided Walking Tour program. He also showed us the best way to get around, particularly as we had a stroller. The course we did is designed for those with wheelchairs, strollers, or those who have less mobility.

Our son really liked the palace because of the space and the sand for playing in with his dinosaurs. Our tour guide was also understanding how difficult it can be with a toddler too.

We also had a famous friend do the course with us! Check out the video to see who it is.

There are many different types of tours provided and our friends have tried out some of the others. Even living in Seoul, they did not know so much of what their tour guide told them. There are many hidden gems in Seoul. It’s a lot harder finding these places yourself, and even if you do, you may not have the information and context about it. If you are planning a trip to Seoul, check out some walking tours.

You can view the tours and booking information on the site here.

We were invited to Seoul Fashion Week

Invited to a Seoul Fashion Week Show

Our son gets a little bit of attention from fashion brands on Instagram and occasionally gets sent some clothes. This brand, Urban Edition, has sent him clothes before and they also invited him to a Fashion Week runway show. Yes, a toddler was invited. We of course, went with him but even the seats said his name plus guests! We were right at the front row. A friend has also given him a birthday present of dinosaurs right before, so he was pretty occupied with the dinosaurs rather than looking at fashion.

After the show he met the designer and showed her his new dinosaurs too. To a two-year-old it was very important to show his dinosaurs! Luckily he does well at events for a toddler so we can take him to things like this.

Hugh also got some footage of the Saturday of Seoul Fashion week. This is usually when most people go and it gets very busy. We didn’t take our son Yul to Fashion Week on Saturday because so many people would be taking photos of him and it could get pretty overwhelming. Now that he is older and more aware we are selective about what we expose him to.

Seoul Fashion Week is certainly very interesting though and Hugh tried to capture a lot of the fashion on the Saturday. You may recognise some of our friends there too.

Our son’s 2nd birthday

Our son is now two!

We didn’t film anything specific for his birthday but Hugh put together this little video of home movies to share.

It seems like yesterday but also such a long time ago that Yul came into our lives. The first month of his life while he was in the NICU was extremely difficult, but now he is a happy and healthy toddler.

I realised we didn’t share much of his first birthday, even though we have footage, because we didn’t have much time to put anything together a year ago. Also, we are not family vloggers so we don’t share a lot of our lives on a day to day basis. We started YouTube a long time before we had Yul and we will continue to make videos without him. When we do have him in videos it’s usually about a specific event or activities, not daily vlogs. We are careful about what we do show online and that he will be able to watch all these videos when he is older.

It’s not secret that he loves dinosaurs though! Most of his presents from us, and from others, were all dinosaur related. He was very happy!

Where to find Lao cuisine in Seoul

Lao Cuisine at Lao Piak in Seoul

Over the next few months we are going to show some of the amazing restaurants in the Mangwon area. Mangwon is known for having many small but amazing food places. We want to share some of our favourites. Lao Piak is a place we eat at regularly and it’s one of the only Lao food places in Korea.

The owners and chefs are two Korean women who fell in love with Laos on a trip. They learned how to make Lao food from Lao people in the Laos countryside and then came back to Korea to open their restaurant.

A lot of people assume they have never eaten Lao food before. But a lot of Thai food, especially the types of Thai food that has been exported to the west, is actually Lao food. There has been a real problem of Thaification of Lao food and Lao people have faced discrimination in Thailand for a long time. Also since Thai food is known in western countries more than other countries from region, many Lao people will call their restaurant Thai, even though it’s really Lao food.

These days there is a movement for Lao people, whether they are living in Laos, Thailand or other countries to be proud of their culture and food. If you do see a restaurant openly serving Lao food, please go and support it so that Lao people don’t have to pretend the food is Thai to attract customers.

I think it’s great that the owners of Lao Piak have such respect for Laos and want to show what Lao food is. They could have easily said the food is Thai, as there are many Thai restaurants in Seoul and Thai food is popular, but instead they want to educate people about Lao food.

You can see more details on their Instagram here.

If you have trouble finding places from the Korean address, the closest big landmark is the newish IPark apartments which have a park in front of them. Lao Piak is in one of the nearby backstreets, across the road from the apartments and the park.

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