My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 71 of 269

Going into Town

Going into town

When we are visited in Seoul we are in such a rural area. Jinju, the nearest city, is at least 20 mins away, usually more. So we only go once a week or so. Today Hugh went in to buy some stuff so that was the opportunity to give him a list of things I need… but I never remember in the moment. Only after. It’s like how you want so many things but can’t think of a single thing when someone asks what to give you for your birthday…

Unusual Korean Seafood: Gaebul

Korea has some really interesting seafood, but this is one that usually incites giggles.

Probably our most mature video ever right?

The penis fish can also be called “the fat innkeeper worm” by those who refuse to acknowledge what it looks like. Commonly found at seafood markets in Korea, we were just walking past a restaurant in Jinju that had these at the front. Usually gaebul is seen in buckets or baskets lying flat, but some of these were hanging down and gently swaying in the water. I first posted the video on Instagram and the popularity of it there made us decide to post on YouTube too, but we made it educational! Come try gaebul in Korea! Eaten raw with salt and sesame oil. (Also we said “kinda” translates to “dog penis” because actually it’s “dog balls” which doesn’t seem as correct).

Sunrise on Jirisan

Hugh vlogged hiking up Jiri Mountain to see the sunrise!

The reason why I didn’t go was because of all my health problems, my body wouldn’t handle hiking all the way up there. Hugh and his friends stayed with his friend who is a ranger on the mountain, but usually people stay in that one big cabin and sleep on the floor right next to each other. It’s quite cramped! Hiking is an activity that middle aged people love in Korea, so usually it’s all ahjummas and ahjussis hiking up mountains in Korea.

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