My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Nicholalala video: Snapshot of my day

Some moments from my day yesterday! It’s been hard to keep up with this channel because we’ve been so busy since our move, but I think I will do these types of videos once a week, where I just choose one day a week to film small moments like this and present it without commentary – but I’m happy to answer any questions in the comment section on YouTube. I also want to do some just talking/answering question videos too, so I may answer some questions in videos.

Korean Eyebrow Gel

We’ve been seeing this eyebrow gel all over the Korean beauty blogs on Facebook, so Hugh wanted to try it out. He always wants thicker eyebrows, but is too lazy to use an eyebrow powder or pencil every day. This stuff actually stains the skin underneath the eyebrow and you peel it off after it dried. Unfortunately it isn’t exactly what he wanted and expected…

Same Age

Same Age

If you are completely unfamiliar with Korean culture and respectful terms, this comic might be a little bit difficult to understand.

The longer we’ve been back in Korean culture, the more Hugh likes being called “Oppa”. Since it was my birthday recently, my age “caught up” to his. This doesn’t happen in Korean age because everyone’s age goes up at the same time at the start of the year. But in international age there are a few months where our ages are the same. Hugh pointed this out. In Korea if someone is the same age as you it means you are friends in the sense that neither person needs to use a respectful name for the other, because neither is older than the other. It allows for much more relaxed speech and manners usually.

So I took the opportunity to act like a “chingu” instead of a “dongseng” (the younger one in the relationship). Used to be an “oppa”, Hugh suddenly realised he had made a terrible mistake…

In English I am very free and comfortable and can tease him with no problems. But in Korean, in a Korean setting he suddenly realised how different it was if he wasn’t my Oppa anymore. Especially because I used the opportunity to be rude.

Hugh says: I was saying, “You are the same as my age now! Hahaha!” And making fun, but actually it’s not good for me. I still like to be called Oppa.

Seoul Life: Week 8

In this week’s Seoul Life video we talk about our latest Kpop encounter, show some old Korean commercials, visit beautiful parks and Hugh gets a surprise present (even though it was my birthday! haha).

Weird things in Seoul?

In every city you come across some weird things sometimes. We couldn’t make a Seoul Life video (because busy while my mother was visiting) but we put together a few things we have filmed recently. The streets being bug sprayed, cats with colourful tails and watching men go down into the sewers. The bug spray thing is quite strange to me because I don’t think that type of thing has been done in Australia for so long. I have no idea what exactly they are spraying with but it conjures up images from the past of DDT… which is always worrying. But it’s banned in South Korea… so I do wonder what they are using? Let me know if you know more about it!

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