The Nicholalala webtoon, set in the Korean countryside, is fictional and influenced by Korean folklore. Please comment, like, share and rate over at WEBTOONS.
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Most of you probably know that we live near YG Entertainment (big entertainment company for huge Kpop stars like BIGBANG) and somehow I became the person with the big scoop simply because I was walking by at the right time. The YG Building is famous for it’s unique design and as a must-see destination for Kpop fans visiting Korea. With so much success in recent years they have outgrown their building and have now started building a new one right next to the original one. While this was known, no one knew what the new building is going to look like. I was one of the first people to see the new design on the wall of the construction site. I tweeted it as I was walking home and very quickly had so many comments and retweets and even Kpop news sites using my photos!
Because it was funny and many people believing I had somehow illegally obtained secret information, I decided to make this video:
There have been 100 episodes of Nicholalala! That’s kind of unbelievable. I hope to make many more. Big thank you to Naver (through LINE Webtoon) for picking me up as a featured artist and letting me explore my creativity with this series. Also thank you to everyone who has been reading along. There is a bit of a twist at the end of this episode.
In this Seoul Life video Hugh talks about his experience on Korean TV. Filming always takes longer than you think it will! We also say goodbye to our friends Diana and Gisela from Double Trouble en Corea and show a few clips from our live in Seoul recently.
Hugh is in his third week of his journey of getting into shape! He has been trying out some different types of exercise with his trainer Yoojin, but one of them they really didn’t enjoy!
Yoojin does videos of their progress on her channel a few times a week in Korean, so check it out here.
Nicholalala is an ongoing fictional webtoon on the WEBTOONS platform. You can like, share, comment and rate over there.
Hugh been going really well with his diet and exercise, but occasionally has cravings for fried chicken. I think he is starting to see fried chicken everywhere.
He is vlogging his progress so check out his videos on YouTube. The first one is here:
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