My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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This was amazing! Book Signing Experience

The Book Signing

Thank you everyone who came out on Saturday! It was amazing! We didn’t know how many people would come, especially in the rainy weather, but we were overwhelmed at the turn out. We actually ran out of time, we only had a certain amount of time for the signing at the front of the Kyobo store. For the last few people we had to go inside the store to another room to finish signing and chatting with people.

Thank you everyone who wrote us notes as well! We read them all later and were so thankful and happy. The book also made it to the bestsellers of new releases table for this Kyobo store, which is great! It means it’s easier for people to see in the store, and that’s because of everyone who came and bought the book on Saturday.

Many people have been asking about an English version, but there won’t be an English version of this book exactly. There are English translations next to the comics, so it can be read by an English speaker but there is still a lot of Korean in it. Most of the comics in the book have previously been on the blog in English. The comics and the set up of the book is for the Korean audience, so if we release an English book it will be a different angle and different comics. But maybe in the future!

If you are in Korea and you could like to buy it you can buy from Kyobo book stores or order online here.

If you are not in Korea it will soon be available through the ‘Talk to Me in Korean’ online store. We will update when it’s available.

Once again a big thank you to everyone who came out to the signing event. It was very overwhelming but awesome! It was also lovely to see so many intercultural couples and families there as well. We hope our book also helps challenge negative perceptions about multiculturalism in Korea and educates people about intercultural families.

The footage was filmed by Yoojin Kwon, Hugh’s trainer and business partner and distant relative haha.

There is always someone weirder

There is always someone weirder than you.

Because of the recent rain there were a lot of worms that had come above ground. I found a huge one that was still alive so I picked it up. Hugh was absolutely disgusted so of course I chased after him with it. If he didn’t have such a strong reaction I wouldn’t do it to him! The cicadas are also out at the moment and very loud. I wanted to find a cicada shell or a live cicada just to freak Hugh out. Right after he scolded me for even mentioning that a group of boys rode past on their bikes. One of them shouted, “I want to eat a cicada!”

That’s way more weird than me just playing with worms and insects! I know people can eat crickets, but do people eat cicadas anywhere?

The cicadas in Korea sound slightly different to the ones in Australia. I think they are a higher pitch. I’ve often heard people say they find the ones here in Korea to be more irritating. They will still try to pee on you like the ones in Australia though.

I will continue to gross out Hugh with stuff though. He grew up in the countryside! He used to catch frogs and snakes and bugs when he was young! I don’t understand his aversion now. He just says, “It’s different now”. It’s been a long time since he has touched them, but for me it was somewhat recently that I was doing a zoo keeping course that sometimes involves insects, either as exhibits or food for other animals.

I wonder if that kid actually found a cicada to eat…

The ‘My Korean’ Husband’ book is available from today! It is available in Kyobo book stores and online here. This books is in Korean, but there are English captions for the comics. It is not yet available internationally yet, as it is for the Korean market, but we will update you when it’s available internationally online.

온라인 교보문고에서 오늘부터 ‘마이 코리안 허즈번드’ 책구매 가능해요! 그리고내일 출판기념사인회 많이 많이 와주세요. 내일 오시는분들은 현장에서 바로 구매후 책사인 가능하니 굳이 오늘 구입 안하셔도 되요^^
책 읽어보시고 좋으셨으면 좋은리뷰와 좋아요! 그리고 공유 많이 부탁드려요!
감사합니다! 책바로구매하기 교보문고.

My Korean Husband Book Signing 책출간기념 사인회

마이코리안허즈번드 코믹북 출간기념 사인회 이벤트!
7월15일 토요일 오후 5시 타임스퀘어 교보문고에서 해요.
시간되시는분들 오셔서 책도 구입하시고, 사인도 받으세요:) 사인회 끝나고 질문 받고 답변하는 시간도 있을꺼에요. 많이들 놀러오세요.
그리고 ‘영국남자’ 조엘과 ‘호주사라’ 사라 등 다른 유튜버들도 함께 할꺼에요.

그럼 토요일에 봐요^^

We are having a book signing this Saturday, the 15th of July, at the Kyobo book store at Times Square, Yeongdeungpo. It starts at 5pm. You will be able to purchase the ‘My Korean Husband’ book and get it signed by us! We will also have time afterwards to chat with people. This is the last time for a while we will be able to do a meet up because of my pregnancy and having a newborn baby later. Please come out and see us if you are in Seoul!

The book is in Korean but there are English translations of the comics.

How to hire a bike in Seoul

How to hire a bike in Seoul

This is a service Hugh uses a lot, so when they reached out to us to do a sponsored video we were happy to do it. Hugh uses this several times a week to ride around the neighbourhood but also if he has had a big night out and the subway has stopped running, and there are no taxis, it’s super convenient for him to just ride home. There are bike stations everywhere so there are a few very close to where we live.

In this video we also participated in the Seoul Bike Ride/Parade which is an annual event. We had never done it before but definitely want to do it again next year! We could only do some of it, due to me being pregnant and then also for the filming. It gives you a different view of Seoul that you usually only see some inside a car. With all the cars off the road there is the feeling of a much wider space and it’s easily to appreciate the buildings and the city in a different way. Hopefully we can do it again next year.

For more information about bike hire when visiting Korea click here.


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