My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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As an Australian, it’s always strange to me how many Koreans can’t swim well or can’t swim at all. Many just don’t have any opportunity to learn, where as in Australia even if we don’t learn from our parents we usually learn at school.

So yes, you can be in the Korean Navy and be scared of water.


Korean Drama Review: Love Rain


The drama Love Rain just recently finished airing in Korea. This drama begins in a 1970’s setting with a group of friends, but focuses on the character of art student In-Ha, played by Jang Geun Suk.

The sets, costumes and hair were just superb for this and it was so interesting to see a Korean drama set in the not so distant past. Not only the clothing, and setting, but the timing and subtly was perfect. This is a different world from what we are used to seeing in dramas set in the present time. In-Ha is an introvert and never expresses his true feelings but in the 3 seconds it takes to first walk past Yoon-Hee (played by Yoona) on campus he falls in love. Of course as the road to true love is never smooth there are many complications: the first being how awkwardly shy the two of them are, the second being that other friends having feelings for them so they are never in the position to be truly honest.

I won’t give away too much of the storyline but some of these scenes with In-Ha and Yoon-Hee are wonderfully poignant yet heartbreaking. The style and timing of these episodes really enhances the 1970’s storyline and the sadness of what happens to the main characters with rain as the recurring theme.

Things don’t stay in the 1970’s though. The drama jumps to 2012 and introduces the children of In-Ha and Yoon-Hee, who are not related. So as you can probably guess, In-Ha and Yoon-Hee’s love was ill-fated. Yoon-Hee’s daughter Ha-Na and In-Ha’s son Joon meet randomly in Japan with no idea that their parents were in love in their youth.

The drama kicks into typical Korean drama mode now. With the somewhat ridiculous premise of Ha-Na’s phone falling into Joon’s pocket. This causes her to embark on a series of escapades to try and get it back as he refuses to stop and meet her due to his busy schedule (he is a fashion photographer). Joon is actually played by Jang Geun Suk who of course played In-Ha, Joon’s father. Ha-Na is played by Yoona who played her mother Yoon-hee. They look different though. You can recognise that they are the same actors but their characters (and clothing) are very different to their parents. I was quite impressed with Jang Geun Suk’s acting skills to go from a heartbroken and introverted young man in the 1970’s to a charming and successful but cocky heartthrob character in 2012.

Yes, of course being a Korean drama the lead male character is a bit of a jerk. And there is the usual storyline of him being a jerk to the main female character Ha-Na. I know a lot of viewers really like this type of storyline but I was happy to see it only last a few episodes. I saw some complaints online that Joon became too nice and wasn’t a jerk enough. Perhaps that comes down to what age you are? Maybe teenage girls want to see the bad boy persona all the way though but as a 28 year old I prefer to see some real tenderness and honest feelings from the lead male and not just the bad boy and good girl trope.

This type of storyline usually goes like this.

GUY: I’m such a handsome bad boy, I do whatever I want.

GIRL: I’m a sweet innocent girl and somehow our paths cross.

GUY: Girl I don’t think you are pretty, get out of my way.

GIRL: Yeah well you are a jerk and I don’t care what you think. I’ll never like you.

GUY: Oh, actually I’ve never had a girl stand up to me like that. Now I can see that you have good qualities and you are very pretty. I think I like you.

GIRL. Go away. I don’t like you… even if I am noticing how handsome you are.

GUY: I will prove how honorable and trustworthy I actually am.

GIRL: Oh, yes. Through this series of incidents I can now see that you are a good guy and now I love you too.

GUY: I will love you forever.

This is such an old storyline! Seriously, Jane Austen wrote this storyline in Pride and Prejudice that was published in 1813. Obviously it works but it can’t be relied upon for the whole plot. So I liked in Love Rain that this storyline didn’t go on for too long and the main characters admitted feelings quite early, especially compared to other dramas. So don’t worry, I’m not giving away the whole storyline.

Speaking of other dramas: this type of plot annoyed me so much in the drama Flower Boy Ramen Shop. Seriously, that guy was a dick until the very end. Who really wants a guy like that? Not only that but the trope of handsome, rich, bad boy falling for not-that-pretty, weirdo girl is overdone. The girl in Flower Boy Ramen Shop was so annoying I wanted to punch her through the screen, and yet she had two guys after her? Completely unbelievable. What I liked about Love Rain was that even though it had the usually trope of handsome, rich, bad boy, the character of Ha-Na is actually desirable and pretty and not annoying like some other female characters in dramas.That is actually a benefit of having a star like Yoona in the role. I know there can be criticism of these type of stars given roles in dramas but here I think it really worked. I believed that a worldly guy like Joon would be interested in her.

Of course the major obstacle for them is that their parents, who have been pining after each other for 30 years, meet again and want to marry. How can they be together if their parents marry?

Most of the other characters from the 1970’s episodes are in the 2012 episodes and you can see what time has done do them. Handsome youths becoming middle-aged men and years of disappointment turn a young woman into a horrible and bitter woman. Their children are also in supporting roles as well.

Love Rain runs for 20 episodes. It starts really well. So well in fact that the change to 2012 is almost a disappointment. I would have liked to stay with the 1970’s characters a bit longer. That is not to say that the 2012 setting episodes aren’t interesting. Some are really good, though the series does stagger for a few episodes towards the end. It pulls through with a satisfying ending though and on a whole I found it to be a very beautiful and moving drama.

I know the ratings weren’t that great in Korea, but it seems to be really loved by international fans. I enjoyed it a lot and definitely recommend it.

Big Bang and Weddings

wedding or big bang?Is it sad that I was actually a little bit concerned about this? It’s not like we only had one wedding, we had two, and it’s not like only the exact date is out- but weeks around the wedding dates were really busy. Of course I’d choose my wedding! But I would have been annoyed if something was scheduled at a time I couldn’t go. I’ve only been to a Big Bang mini concert and never a Big Show.

I asked my friends on Facebook this question and some said “Big Bang without a doubt.” Haha… Good thing they weren’t the ones marrying my husband…

Also, now I’m waiting to see if they will come to Australia! YG is slowly announcing cities and dates but haven’t heard anything about Australia…

Elysee Motel Busan Review

If you are traveling around Korea for more than just a few days you might want to find some cheaper accommodation. Fortunately in Korea you don’t have to compromise on safety, cleanliness or conveniences when selecting a cheaper alternative.

There are hotels and motels in Korea but they don’t always have the same meaning as in other countries. Hotels are more expensive and are more likely to have a good view and good service. Motels are pretty much the same as a hotel but minus the view and hotel level service. However, motels still are extremely clean and comfortable. In the room they always have a large TV, computer with internet access, fridge, air-con… everything you’d expect in a hotel except the price is usually about only $50 Australian or American.

The biggest problem you may have is the language barrier. If you can speak a bit of Korean (or have a Korean partner in tow) it won’t be a problem but if you have no Korean it may be more difficult to book a room. You could probably eventually do it with some hand gestures but this can be stressful especially after a lot of traveling.

However, if you are spending some time in Busan: Good news! There is a motel called Elysee Motel that has a manager that speaks English. Not only that but he will show you on a map where there are good places to go and is extremely helpful. The rooms even have some extras that not all motels have. They have large bathrooms with a spa bath AND a shower that turns into a sauna! But don’t do what my mum did and forget which way the door opens and panic trying to push the door open and thinking you are going to die in the steam. She worked it out eventually…

Also, one quirky thing is above the bed was a mural of outer-space and a green light that lit it up. Not sure why, but it was funny.

The motel is very close to attractions in Busan so is in an ideal location. Also the manager booked our tickets on the KTX from Busan to Seoul for us and got us a better deal. He also drove us to the train station for a small fee so we didn’t have to deal with the hassle of taxis- with all our luggage and there being four of us, using taxis was a bit of a drama as we always had to use two.

Unfortunately I can’t remember his name, but I drew a picture of him…

Cheap accomodation Korea English version of their website: HERE


Busan Bus Driver

Have you been to Busan? Did you like it? How do you think it compares to Seoul?



We are finally going on a honeymoon and will be in Vanuatu for 4 days. I won’t be bringing my laptop so no updates for the next few days but there will be lots when we get back.

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