My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Seaweed Birthday Soup

I’m eating seaweed soup at the moment because traditionally Koreans eat this soup on their birthdays. You can read all about why on The Korea Blog HERE.

One of my Korean friends made it for me today. I really enjoy it these day but I didn’t always…

When my husband and I first met it was just before my birthday. He was very strongly wooing me and had arranged a birthday lunch for me. As well as cake and fruit platters there was seaweed soup… While I liked a lot of Korean food at that point I hadn’t really had this before and honestly looking down at the slimy seaweed in liquid- it didn’t seem that appetizing. My husband and his friend insisted that I must eat it because it was my birthday. Luckily after I forced down a few mouthfuls they didn’t make me eat anymore.

I only started enjoying seaweed soup when I started cooking it myself. Maybe by then I was used to the texture. I’m not sure what changed but now I really like it.

You can’t under estimate how important this is for Koreans on their birthdays. They have such a strong attachment to it. Earlier this year when the crazy naked guys (seen in other comics) were still living next door to my parent’s house I realised this. You can’t really buy Korean groceries in my hometown so Koreans must buy Korean food in Sydney. Because of this, it is hard to replenish supplies and Koreans here get used to going without. It was one of the guy’s birthday next door and they did not have the ingredients for seaweed soup. My husband was already next door at their party when I joined them.

My husband pulled me out of the room (yes the Korean drama arm grab thing) and asked for me to go back home and prepare seaweed soup for this guy. We did have the ingredients at home because we’d stocked up in Sydney recently. I knew it must be important because my husband had never requested for me to go home and cook before! If he was in the habit of telling me to go back to the kitchen I would be in the habit of punching him in the face. So I knew this must be important.

But oh the stress! I’d never prepared seaweed soup for any Koreans besides my husband before! All I had was my Korean cookbook. I studied the recipe again and again before starting to make sure I got everything right. My mother was amused, not only at my stress, but at why Koreans prefer soup for their birthday and not cake.

Eventually, after agonising over the taste I realised it was the best I could do. I took it next door and presented it to the birthday boy. He tasted it. Then the other guys tasted it. They declared it was delicious! At first I thought they were just being polite but my husband reassured me that it was very good. I was hesitant to believe my own success at first but then I watched them fight over it and finish every last drop. The birthday boy was so happy that he could have seaweed soup on his birthday. He told me had been wanting it so badly and had been upset because he thought it would be impossible to get. He then prostrated himself on the floor in a deep bow several times to thank me- he had been drinking though hehe!

Unfortunately my husband is not here with me at the moment because he just started a new job and we don’t have a new apartment in Sydney yet. We plan to celebrate together later.

Big Bang Giveaway Competition Winners!!!

Actually it’s my birthday today but I’m giving away prizes! The winners were just drawn. My friend was here to take photos to show it was drawn randomly.

I put all the names into a bowl.


Stuck my hand in, closed my eyes, gave them a good mix around and then pulled out the first prize winner!

Congratulations!!! Kate Marsella!

My friend pulled out the name for second prize.

Congratulations Claudia!!!

And third prize goes to:

Congratulations Hyorin!

Could the winners please reply to this post so that I know you’ve seen it and then email me your address details- [email protected] so I can send out the prizes.

I’m sorry to everyone who didn’t win but there will be more giveaways later. Would people be interested in winning a copy of Harpers Bazaar with the G-Dragon Paris photo shoot in it?

Also, what other bands merchandise would you like to see in a giveaway?

Ninja Turtles

If you are not a native English speaker and are unsure of why I said that- in that context it means “obviously” but it’s a rude way of saying it. I’m not always that rude I promise!

However, if you use the saying “no shit” with your voice going up like a question it means like “you don’t say!”  or “really?” which is showing genuine surprise at something.

I used it in a flat sarcastic tone, in order to be humorous and to show that what he said was quite obvious. ‘Shit’ is a swear word. A minor one but still a rude word. I wouldn’t say this to my parents but to my husband is fine.

Side note: My siblings and I weren’t allowed to watch the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoons when we were younger… not sure why. Possibly our mum thought it was too violent.

One of my favourite TV shows when younger was probably Rugrats What was yours?

ALSO: Tomorrow the winners of the Big Bang giveaway will be announced. Last chance to enter!



When my husband isn’t here:

My husband is in Sydney starting a new job and I’m in my hometown because we don’t have a new apartment there yet. So I get scared at night!

I just showed my husband this comic and he said “What is under the bed?” I told him it is a monster and he told me confidently that there isn’t one there. Thanks honey, but they aren’t there when you are home! They only appear when you are gone.

Anne Hathaway

I really don’t look like Anne Hathaway. Some of my Korean friends said that I did years ago when I had dark hair. I’m pretty sure the only reason they thought that was because I was the first Western friend they had. So because I was a white girl with dark hair: “OMG you look like Anne Hathaway!!!”

I was just trying to rile my husband up because G-Dragon can be a jealously inciting subject. He wouldn’t want me to look like anyone GD may have taken a liking too… because then I might run away with GD or something??? I don’t know. Jealously doesn’t always make sense. I like to push his buttons because of course he has nothing to worry about. And it worked.

Simon and Martina

I’m a big fan of Simon and Martina from Eat Your Kimchi. So much so that sometimes I tend to talk about them like I know them personally… (because they are so awesome).


I also mention Simon and Martina to my parents sometimes. Luckily my parents know who I’m talking about now. Because my husband and I are planning on moving to Korea at the beginning of 2014 sometimes we are discussing our plans at the dinner table and I’ll say “Simon and Martina said…. blah blah blah.”

Oh and their kitten is so cute!

Is there anyone that you talk about or mention in conversation like you know them but actually don’t?

Also: I’ve added a FAQ section.

Dog Baby

This is a REALLY BAD swear word by the way, so I won’t write it on here. I understand that the word used for ‘baby’ is not the normal nice word they use for a baby, that it is an insulting way of saying baby but I still don’t really understand how this insult came about. If someone could explain exactly why these words are used in this way and why it’s so offensive I’d really appreciate it.

I’ve never used this insult before but if I’ve repeated it from a drama or read it aloud my husband will cringe and yell at me to not say it because he never wants these words to come out of my mouth. So yeah, it’s not good.

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