My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Says the guy still learning English, who uses Konglish and makes mistakes all the time…

Konglish is funny. Some words make a lot of sense, others are weird or completely different to the real English word. While I do enjoy some Konglish the biggest problem with Konglish is that Koreans often think it is real English. Some Koreans come to an English speaking country thinking “I’ll be fine, I know lots of English words.” Big difference between English and Konglish. While some like interphone/intercom really don’t matter there are plenty that sound like gibberish to native English speakers.

Some we can guess but you are probably going to be confused if a Korean says to you: “Fighting! I need to buy some fancy and then let’s go back to my apart for some skinship and eat some cream sand.”

10 points to whoever can translate that.

The other night while out with Korean friends I was asked if I wanted to play some ‘pocketball’? What? I was pretty confused for a while. Apparently that is pool/billiards.

Water Flick

Well let’s hope that was just water….

My husband swears this is a Korean thing and people with Korean partners will have experienced this. I think maybe he is justifying being a jerk hehe. Let me know in the comments section.

Dodgy Massage

While going for a walk…

And Koreans love cute sounding stuff! Oh well you can be almost 30 and sound like a 6 year old if you want.

In other news: There is a Facebook page now HERE.

And thank you for all the get well wishes. I’m feeling a bit better now.

Photo of Boat

Rude! He was joking luckily. But he does it with such a straight face. It is kind of a running joke with us because he often answers things with “Why do I need to?”

He did take a photo of me, but then laughed because my face looked stupid. Thanks!

What a nice!

When learning a second language there are obvious benefits of having a partner who speaks it natively. Skills can be really improved just by having to speak it every day. My husband’s English is constantly improving. However, a partner can’t correct everything. It is hard to have a conversation if one person is constantly correcting the other. So that is why some mistakes can slip through.

My husband has the habit of exclaiming “What a nice!” at something good.

Often because he is excited when saying it I don’t want to ruin the moment by saying “That’s wrong”. Also it’s really cute! So I didn’t correct it for a long time. Eventually I explained that it didn’t really make sense, though I knew what he was trying to say. He stopped saying it for a while but it creeps back in occasionally.

The problem is, because couples end up sounding like each other, now I say it sometimes!


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