My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Time to go home

I’m learning Korean but very slowly, and I’m still a beginner. But because I am exposed to the Korean language every day I can understand more than people think. Especially the things my husband says because I’m used to how he speaks Korean. Every day I’m slowly understanding more and more- which may not always be good for him!

Bad boy! He was trying to be cool in front of his younger single friends.

I had to draw this comic quickly late at night, hence the grey-scale and roughness. Sorry!

Push ups

It’s no secret that I’m terrible at counting in Korean. It doesn’t help that there are two numbering systems in Korean! So I pretty much never count in Korean, only in English.

Okay so even in English I suck… but watching someone workout is boring!

G-Dragon Giveaway- One of a Kind album

YAY GD Giveaway! I have one copy of the Bronze edition of the One of a Kind album.

My source in Korea (my sister-in-law) received it and is sending to me very soon. So I’ll start the giveaway now.I’m giving away the bronze edition because I realise some people of other religions may not be able to have such big religious symbols on something they own. The bronze edition seems like it has less religious imagery (whereas the gold edition has a big cross on it).

This giveaway will run for 10 days and will be drawn at the end of the month. To enter leave a comment in the comment section and don’t forget to like the My Korean Husband Facebook page and follow MyKoreanHusband on twitter.


After Shower

WARNING: Cartoon nudity


Our poor neighbours.

He almost didn’t let me put this one up… Ones that I’m not sure about I check with him first and he said no to this one at first haha. He didn’t want people to think he is some crazy naked guy. But I think my readers are smart enough to understand the difference between cartoon him and real him. For comics I just focus on certain aspects in order to make something interesting or funny, but real life is much more complex.

But yeah, he doesn’t do this every day! Just a little bit lately.

Fan Mail

These drawings are from Patrycja who is from Poland but is living in France right now. She chats with my husband about cookies sometimes haha.

hehehe Thanks! This is true, he loves cookies so much.

He had a nice birthday, well birthdays…. the day before what I consider his birthday was his lunar calender birthday which is what many Koreans consider the real birthday.

Yay delicious dumplings! How exciting!

And this package is from CYah! She lives in Brunei, which is part of the island Borneo. I have been to Borneo, but the Indonesian part, when I did some volunteer work at a Sun Bear sanctuary there. I saw the proboscis monkeys there, which are so cool, so she has seen me a toy one. Proboscis monkeys are only found in Borneo. So cute!

Look at all the lovely things. Now I will have to visit Brunei! Thank you so much!

(That’s my husband’s Snoopy in the background).

Tea Ceremony

This was last year while in Korea.

I’ve mentioned before that I have trouble sitting on the floor (and squatting) as I’m just not used to it. BUT this woman complimented me on my sitting! We had told her that I was marrying a Korean man and that I really liked Korean culture. I tried really hard during the tea ceremony and sat in the traditional way she showed us. Everything was going well and she said I sat well and I was moving elegantly. I was so happy.

…But then my legs and feet started to hurt. I didn’t dare shift because then she would realise I was a fraud! We were sitting there for a while and the pain got worse and worse but I wanted to prove myself. By the time we left my legs hurt so much that I couldn’t walk properly for a few minutes. haha…

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