My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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I’ve mentioned before about the way he can be ‘grabby’ in a spontaneous burst of affection way. Not all Korean guys are like this, but if you’ve watched enough Korean romantic dramas you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I used to think the female characters in Korean dramas were too easily annoyed and pissed off all the time when the male lead does something but now I can understand that reaction. It can be annoying. My husband will sometimes do it to deliberately annoy me too, but claim he is just being romantic.

I just shoved him off again because I won’t put up with the bossy romantic act. He then cackled to himself, “Haha I think I’m really funny.”


Butterfly In the morning I told him he was still an ugly caterpillar.

He hurt his back stupidly at the gym but hopefully it’s getting better now. We still kinda live like students. All our wedding presents are still at my parents’ house and we don’t want to use them until we have our own apartment so we are lacking in some household items, which is why he ended up with a fitted sheet on the floor. He likes to sleep with a sheet or blanket over his head so quite often he looks like he is in a cocoon, but the fitted sheet accentuated it. He has never emerged as a butterfly though (or a moth, cocoons are actually made by moths).



Serious Conversation

serious conversation

I can’t always follow along with what is being said in Korean. Sometimes I pick up enough words to know what they are talking about and even join in the conversation if I understand (though I will only speak in English with just a few scattered Korean words) but sometimes I have no idea. I can tell by body language and tone when it’s a serious conversation though and often it’s a good time to tune out. You can’t expect someone to constantly translate everything in these types of situations and you can’t just butt in with “Hey what are you guys talking about?! Tell me!”

So I find this is a good time to eat food while no one else is! Haha! I think I ate most of the chicken last night. Don’t worry, this was not our dinner, this was after dinner. It’s normal for Koreans to go to a Korean restaurant for dinner, and then move onto another Korean restaurant which is more for drinking (and then sometimes after one after that). But when buying soju you still need to buy some food, so more dishes are ordered and shared.

Korean fried chicken is so delicious. Unfortunately it’s never as good in Sydney restaurants as it is in Korea, but it’s still nice. I love the small chicken pieces with spring onion. Too easy to eat a lot of it.

Mangled Sayings

Mangled SayingsI know he was thinking of the saying “What’s the magic word?” Which of course the answer to is ‘please’. However, I had already said please by then so he ended up saying… whatever that was… as he handed me the water. Doesn’t help that he was on Kakao Talk at the same time.

What sayings have you said wrong? Or heard someone else get wrong?

Mini Giveaway


There will be bigger giveaways coming up but since it’s been a while since I’ve done one, here is a small giveaway.

Hangul stickersHangul stickers! Write your name in Korean and stick it on stuff!

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment in the comment section. Please only enter once and only use one screen name (no multiple screen names). The winner will be chosen randomly in about a week.



We really love spending time together. We have our own friends and interests but we are happiest being together. However, there are times when we are apart. He has been back to Korea a few times and I sometimes go to my home town, so there have been times where we are separated. Usually just for a week or two, but I think the longest we were apart was 5 weeks. It’s just something you learn to deal with.

When we are apart we usually only talk on the phone for short amounts of time. We don’t have huge conversations because we are used to talking face to face and it’s just not the same. My husband will stumble over English and I don’t like talking on the phone that much in general. He is even worse at chatting online so we only do it for short amounts of time. So when we are not together we usually just have short check ins with each other once or twice a day and that’s it.

It means when we are together again we have so much to talk about and it can take hours to get through everything we want to say.

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