My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Stickers Giveaway

I have some more stickers to give away! I will get more of those hangul stickers, but for now I have these cute ones.


stickers 2

stickers 3

There will be 3 winners. All you have to do is leave a comment in the comment section (but please only enter once) and winners will be picked randomly in a week.

(Also could the winner of the previous giveaway please email me your address so I can send the prize out).

Practising Singing


This is his obsession at the moment. Yesterday he spent hours singing along. I don’t mean casually singing along for fun, I mean seriously trying to remember all the words and hit all the notes. He is not a bad singer, but he does it with earphones in so all I’m hearing is his voice, so it can be kinda funny. But yeah…. he is a much better singer than me actually.

As you know, I usually don’t do a comic on Sundays, but since the fan base is growing I thought I might try to have something uploaded every single day. I make about 6 comics a week, what’s one more? Haha.

Too Much Seaweed

Too much seaweed

I’m addicted to dried seaweed. It’s annoying my husband because he doesn’t see it as a snack, it’s supposed to be part of a meal. Because his mother used to always tell him when he was younger that it’s not a snack. So he called her to tell her that I eat so many packets of seaweed, hoping to convince me to not eat so much. But doesn’t matter what she told him when he was young, she is on my side! Haha. So she basically said to let me eat as much seaweed as I want.

I am trying to cut back a bit. The other day I secretly bought a 3 pack and ate it all at once. AND I’ve only been eating it for 2 years, he has been eating it for all his life.

Sorry if this post is not written as well, I’m writing this as my husband is doing his own rendition of Les Misérables in the background. He is obsessed. Will talk about that another time…

Les Misérables

Les Misérables

I cried too but I knew I was going to cry! I’m not exaggerating either, he was still sitting there sobbing as everyone else left the cinema. His emotional reaction to things is one of the things I love about him though.

He also understood a bit about the time period of Les Miserables because he knows about Australian history and all the convicts sent here for doing something as little as stealing some bread. So that made it even sadder for him because he knew the unfair punishment for such minor crimes and that so many people had a terrible life simply because they were unlucky enough to be born into poverty.

He is not ashamed of bawling his eyes out either and I’m glad he doesn’t hide his emotions. Being able to talk about how the film moved him led to conversations about history, which I always love to talk about.

Fashion Post

Puji asks

i wanna ask about how korean people think about fashion and where they usually buy their clothes, because i am impressed by their fashion style, kekeke. thanks 🙂


Okay I’m going to open this up to everyone, so please share your opinions in the comment sections. If you live in Korea where do you buy your clothes?

I really like Korean fashion and a lot of my clothes are actually Korean but I think I still wear them in my own style.

Australian fashion can be anything really, it depends on who you are, where you are, personal taste etc. There is definitely a more distinctive Korean style. We can tell who is Korean in Sydney a long way off simply because we recognise the brands and styles that Koreans wear.

One of the bigger differences between Australian fashion and Korean fashion is what skin is shown. Korean girls will easily show all their legs but usually keep their chest area, shoulders and backs covered. While Australian women may show their legs (just not as much as Korean girls) we have no problem with showing cleavage and chest area, shoulders and back. I’ve heard that the back is seen as particularly sexy by Koreans but for Australian women, a lot of our summer dresses are maxi dresses that reveal a lot of the back.

Another difference is the way Korean girls wear baseball caps. Here, if we are wearing a baseball cap like that it’s because we are going to exercise or do something sporty. But Korean girls will wear huge heels, a short skirt and nice blouse, do their hair and makeup and plonk a cap on. It took me a while to work out that this was just Korean style (and sometimes girls want to hide their faces).

I remember when I first had Korean friends and I’d arranged to go shopping with a friend. She’d answer the door wearing a cap like that and I’d be like, “…..Are you not ready? Do you need more time to get ready?” To me the cap was just too informal to go out in. It’s still sometimes strange to me to see girls wearing beautiful clothes with a cap like that.

My sister-in-law sent me some Korean clothes and accessories recently. Here are two photos of me trying them out.

Korean FashionKorean Fashion 2









What do you think? Do you like Korean fashion?

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