My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 221 of 269

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

Sorry, this is not a funny one, just an appreciating my husband one. Have you ever been in a relationship where there are so many warning signs but you are so infatuated that you don’t see them (or ignore them)? This guy I very briefly dated saw that I had an ‘Anne of Green Gables’ book in my room, among other books he also considered too “girly”. I had not even suggested doing anything related to that and did not expect him to like a favourite childhood book of mine, but that type of response should have been a warning sign. I don’t want to be really negative about this guy and I hope he is happy now, but it’s interesting seeing things in hindsight and seeing the contrast to how my husband responds to things. My husband is never worried about his masculinity being threatened and is so open to things whether they are considered “girly” or not.

I do really like Anne of Green Gables, I’ve reread it so many times, but I didn’t realise he even knew of it. I was pleasantly surprised to hear him say that he likes it and in particular likes some of the quotes from it. We then had a lovely chat about being positive and using your imagination and dreaming about the future.

Japanese Touch Screen

Japanese Touch Screen

Thankfully he didn’t touch the final select button and actually order 10 plates of chicken skin…

He is usually such a happy guy but when he is grumpy it is usually food related. Either being too hungry or wanting to eat something in particular. He was happy again once we went to a Korean restaurant afterwards.

Have you been to a touch screen restaurant? There are a few in Sydney and I think they are all Japanese. It can be fun to just order from the screen but not so fun when your husband is being a naughty little boy.

Chicken skin? As if I want to eat chicken skin!

Crappy Creepy

Crappy Creepy

I accumulate so many coins in my purse. I don’t care but it annoys him so every now and then he’ll count them out like that.

He has been saying “crappy” like “creepy” a lot lately and it always sounds funny because it can completely change the meaning.

I often read a blog called Crappy Pictures which is a funny parenting blog. But when my husband refers to it he always says “Creepy Pictures” which sounds really wrong! Especially when it’s such a cute, funny blog.

Does anyone else hate using coins and having to count out the right number while the shop assistant is waiting? My husband often scolds me when I just use a note to pay for something when I obviously had enough in coins. And then I get even more coins from the change.

600 More Likes

600 more likes

This comic is about dumb things I say. When I hear numbers my brain just goes……bleahhhhhghhhhhhhhh! I have serious maths phobia. (By the way, we say ‘Maths’ in Australian English but ‘Math’ is used in American English). My husband is the one that has been paying attention to how many Facebook likes recently. I wouldn’t have even realised that the increase was about the same number as the amount of likes I had slowly reached over 10 months.

So yes, as most of you are aware, there has been an explosion of new readers! This all happened because of a news article that was put onto several Korean news sites. I’m really surprised at the attention because I really just write for just a broad international audience and didn’t think that many Koreans would be that interested, but I’ve had a really great positive response.

This has lead to more interviews and attention and I’ve been offered a book deal by a Korean publishing company. I don’t want to just print out the comics that are on the blog, so instead it will hopefully be our full story of how we met and lots of other stuff that has happened to us (in comic form). Still lots of funny stuff, but some sad stuff too. I’m really happy to have this offer.

Blogging and making comics has lead to some other work that is pretty exciting too, so my life is suddenly getting a lot busier. Although I may have to cut back on how many comics I make, I definitely won’t neglect the blog. I always read every single comment but lately I haven’t been able reply to every single one, but please know that I read them and I’m so grateful to everyone that comments. I always remember peoples’ screen names too, especially those that have been commenting since the early days of the blog.


Sushi Train

Sushi Train

He then felt bad about being so stingy so he ordered a big bento box and plate of tempura for us. This sushi place is really good and has a really big range.

Bento box

Kingyo Sushi

Full disclosure: Our friend works here which is one of the reasons why we went, but not the reason why we are mentioning it here. We have friends who work at sushi places all across Sydney but we wouldn’t promote where they work because they aren’t necessarily that good. There are a lot of just average sushi shops in Sydney. This place is really good though. Kingyo at Westfield Shopping Centre at Bondi Junction.

And of course it’s all Koreans working there as most sushi places are owned by Koreans.

Valentine’s Day


I’m eating those chocolates right now. Yum yum yum. He carefully picked out the flavours I like at the gourmet chocolate shop. I accidentally saw him buying them and got excited but I hid so he wouldn’t know that I saw him.

We always celebrate Valentine’s Day the Australian/American way. In Korea Valentine’s Day is for girls to give chocolate to guys. Then a month later on White Day guys will give candy to girls. I much prefer Valentine’s Day here, but Korean girls do get a lot of other special days as well.

We don’t do anything over the top but it’s nice to get some flowers and chocolates.

Cook Something

Cook Something

I fall for this every time. He hates cooking (though he doesn’t mind cleaning) and will do whatever it takes to make me cook instead of him. This is not a representation of Korean men in general. I actually know many Korean guys who love cooking and are really passionate about food. My husband is passionate about food, but only eating it, not cooking it.

I realise after that he set me up with the “Oh I’m a sad little boy just eating one tin of tuna” act because he’ll do his “happy I love you hugging dance” after I agree to cook something.

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