My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Stickers giveaway and going to Korea!

Hangul stickers


I have another 2 packets of hangul stickers to give away! Just tell me in the comment section what you would do with these stickers and I’ll pick 2 winners…. next week? Sometime in the future!

We also have some news. We are going to Korea soon! Just for a visit from 23 April to 14 May. If people are interested, we may organise a meet up in Seoul. Oooo exciting.



He got me good. He had the wig because people were given them at an event at his workplace.

You know when you realise it’s not someone to not be scared of, but your body is slow at realising that? Like right away my brain is like, “Oh it’s just him” but my body was like “AHHHHHH SCARY!” It took me a little while to calm down.

So at the moment he is winning the scaring game.

New Shoes

New Shoes

I don’t wear high heels that often but I’m starting to wear them a little bit more now. When I’m wearing flats he is slightly taller than me. It doesn’t really bother either of us if I am a bit taller than him, especially since he has found a way to solve that problem!

I did suggest that he could wear lifts in his shoes like a lot of Korean guys do, but he couldn’t be bothered.



Simon and Martina (from Eat Your Kimchi) reblogged this on Tumblr. Yay! Made my day.

He does the same thing to me though. He will be doing something online and say something like, “What?! Omg!” and I’ll be like “What? What?” and he will pause and then finally it’s something like…. “Jackie Chan lived in Korea for 2 years when he was younger.” That’s all?





That would have been bad….

Apparently people who work in haunted houses and are dressed up as something scary can get punched a lot. Because of the ‘fight or flight’ thing when scared…. some people choose ‘fight’ and will react by punching. I’m definitely more of a ‘flight’ person and will scream and run away.

Years ago, one of my siblings hid under a bed and when my mother walked past they reached out and grabbed her foot. She shrieked hysterically. Seriously, that’s scary! Have you scared your family members before, or have they scared you?

My Australian Wife #3

It’s revenge time again! Here are some comics that my husband thought up. It’s his characters and ideas, I just draw it digitally for him.

Australian wife 6

In my defence, he sits in the middle of the room on the floor so I figure he is in easy reach of everything.

Australian wife 7

Okay the thing is…. fairies hide all my things so I can’t find them, and then when I’m looking for them they sneak them back magically, but always right after I’ve asked my husband.


Getting License

Why are the people who work in the Roads and Traffic places always in horrible moods? They do have to deal with the public which must be hard, but so do many other people and can manage to do it with a smile. The other aspect for my husband when someone is that rude, is the question, “Are they being racist?”

I do think in this situation, and judging from everyone else’s stories about dealing with the RTA, that the woman was treating everyone the same way….. horribly.

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