My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 216 of 269

Bad Timing

Bad Timing

Oops… that was just bad timing. If I vomited every time he was naked I’d be vomiting an awful lot.

So this comic was supposed to be up yesterday BUT I actually got very very sick ๐Ÿ™

We went to a medical centre and I was given an injection and some more medicine. Unfortunately I had a bad reaction to the injection and we ended up in the hospital emergency room. So most of yesterday was spent in waiting rooms while I was not well at all. My beautiful husband was so patient and caring and completely wonderful all of yesterday and I know this is sappy but I just appreciate him so much.

I’m feeling much better today as the bad reaction has worn off and the doctor says the virus that I have should be gone soon. So yeah, that’s why there was no new comic yesterday.

My Australian Wife #4

His turn again.

Australian wife 8

The moral of the story is that when you can’t find something, you should get upset and lay face first on your bed crying- then you’ll find it! Not sure what my Wacom tablet was doing down the side of the bed.

As many of you know, I was quite sick yesterday and that’s why there wasn’t a new comic. I’m feeling a bit better today but still not 100%. I’m hoping I’m on the mend though because I hate being this kind of sick: very weak and nauseated. Korean friends and family have been asking if I’m pregnant. Definitely not haha. It’s something I’ve had before which is exacerbated by other health problems. But let’s hope I’m back to normal very soon.

No Flowers

No Flowers

So basically he judges how good a present is by whether you can eat it or not.

It wasn’t even kimchi in a proper container, it was just one of the refill ones in a plastic bag! I think he was just grocery shopping on the way to the train station, then realised once he was there that he didn’t have flowers or anything for me so was like, “Oh yes, I bought this kimchi especially for you!”

T.O.P and Stickers Giveaways Winners

For the Hangul Stickers Giveaway the winner is: Carolyn Raines. The question was what do you want to do with these stickers and her answer was:

I’m taking a Korean Language class and I NEED these to impress my classmates! Maybe I will share them as well……if I take home the prize. So Cute…….

Study hard!

So for the T.O.P giveaway I asked what you thought T.O.P did in his spare time. It’s hard to pick just one answer, and a lot of people gave some detailed answers and read through them all. It was difficult to choose but I really liked this one from pretty please with this comment:

i think he works on music which sounds really different from BIGBANG. like we all know he is into Ray Charles, and YG gave him some sort of music machine (i don’t remember what it was) to help him compose after he worked on “A Good Man.” I think T.O.P works on sort of jazzy music with really deep & poetic lyrics…and he’s waiting to release them because it doesn’t fit with his BIGBANG image or because he seems to write really personal lyrics, and perhaps he needs some more time before he feels ready to perform them. artist!TOP will remain a mystery to the public until he finally releases his solo album (probably 20 years from now…gosh, I hope I’m kidding!) but i honestly think rapping is in his blood and he’s always working on new stuff. it’s just only a select few get to hear that now.

I hope that actually happens!

Could the winners please email me at [email protected] to claim your prizes. For everyone else, a new giveaway will be up soon!

Need Help

Need Help

Gym? What’s a gym?………..Oh a gym!

One of the kinda cool things about having a very different childhood to my husband is that he has no idea about the classic The Simpsons quotes most Australians my age seem to know. So I get to explain them to him or get him to watch them and see him laugh at them for the first time.

Seriously though, I don’t go into gyms and I would seriously need help with how to draw a gym (or copy something from Google images). What is his gym story? You’ll just have to wait and see.

I often have to draw things that happened when I wasn’t there and he has no idea how hard that is. I think most people don’t know unless they draw as well. The person telling the idea has some clear image in their head that they think they can adequately explain…. but they can’t, and meanwhile the person who has to draw it is sitting there thinking, “There are a hundred different ways I could draw that vague thing you explained so don’t blame me when it doesn’t look how you want.”

I draw some pictures for my husband’s blog and he can drive me crazy with how he describes things. Or sometimes it’s just way too much for what is supposed to be a simple picture. Like the other day he wanted “a busy Sydney street with me walking down it, and everyone is wearing these kinds of clothes but I’m wearing these kinds of clothes but it needs to look like Sydney so draw the bridge and the Opera House and everything too”.

Yeah, no. I drew some squiggles in the skyline and told him that’s all I’m adding.

I never really run out of comic ideas, I always have a bunch in my head or written down, it’s just thinking of one appropriate for that day or what I feel like drawing on that day. For example, I may have an idea for a longer comic but if I drew a longer one yesterday, I will usually try to think of quicker and shorter for today. Also I haven’t been with my husband for the past few days so that can limit what I can do as well, because I don’t have my muse here.


Playing a game

Playing a game

He has started playing a game called Kritika. He thinks he can multi-task, but he can’t.

He is not a really serious gamer and although it can annoy me sometimes I guess it could be worse. He names his characters after me or this blog so if you ever come across a character called Nichola or MKH something in a game… it might be him.

I’ll be back in Sydney tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

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