My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Psy is a bad influence on him! Luckily my husband didn’t actually do that disgusting thing, he just faked it, but it’s still annoying!

What do you think of the ‘Gentleman’ music video? This seems to really divide people. I don’t mind the song. I think it is catchy and something that will be played a lot, especially in clubs. Unlike Gangnam Style though, it’s not a video I will watch over and over. There is a lot of humour I don’t like in it, but I also think there is a lot of Korean type of humour in it. My husband laughed really hard at some bits of it but for me it was too awkward to watch. Also because Psy is a really nice guy and I don’t like seeing him being so mean! I’m not sure if he being a jerk in it to just be the opposite of a gentleman or if he is making fun of sleazy old guys like that.

It is interesting that Psy decided on the Abracadabra dance instead of making a new one. I did hear that he wanted to show more Kpop to the world by using that dance. It must have been so stressful to make a song to follow Gangnam Style and I think he’d get criticism no matter what song he wrote but the Gentleman is already a viral hit and has got soo many views!

I’m only allowing my husband to play it a few times a day, otherwise I think he’d have it on repeat. And he has to at least have underwear on when he does the dance.

Anyway, I really like the Eat Your Kimchi parody. Will YouTube be flooded with Gentleman parodies soon?

K-pop Family

Kpop Family

He always has to point out when someone has the same family name as us. Though… it’s always cool people, I haven’t seen him point out, “Oh he is Gwon family… he is axe murderer!”

SBS PopAsia is an Australian digital radio station and music video show on TV. (Note: This is different to SBS in Korea). They play music from Asia, though the majority of it is Kpop. It is awesome to be in Australia and turn on the TV, just normal free to air tv, and see Korean music videos.


Anzac Day

He remembers which day is Anzac Day for two reasons, it is 2 days after the date that he first arrived in Australia years ago, so he remembers seeing the parade, and he loves Anzac biscuits (cookies). For me time is just going too fast! How is it Anzac day again already??

Anzac Day is a public holiday and a national day of remembrance for Australia and New Zealand. Originally it was to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (which is where ‘ANZAC’ comes from) who fought at Gallipoli in World War I. Now Anzac day is also for commemorating all that served in military operations.

It is tradition to eat Anzac biscuits on Anzac day which supposedly are similar to what wives sent their husbands when the husbands were away at war. There are a lot more in the supermarket right now because of Anzac Day. We actually won’t be in Australia for Anzac day this year, but usually I would make some at home.

When we actually have a decent oven I think I’ll have to make a batch. Home made ones are so much better than supermarket ones.


Body Pump

Body Pump Class

That will teach him to not underestimate women. I remember he was sore for days after that.

Have you done a body pump class before? They sound like hell to me…. lifting weight in time to terrible music.

Blueberry Juice

Vinegar drink

I knew what he was doing the whole time but only admitted it after because I knew he was doing it because he cares about me. My health is never the best and he is just trying to help. I could tell right away that it wasn’t normal juice though!

He continued the charade and was all like “Yeessss. It’s nice isn’t it?!”

I actually don’t mind those type of drinks anyway, so I drank it without complaining, but it obviously wasn’t real juice!



My husband doesn’t like mint in anything sweet. I’ve met a lot of Koreans like that too. I had an awkward experience one time when hanging out with some Korean girls in Sydney and we wanted to buy some chocolate biscuits (cookies if you are American). They told me that I could choose…. so I chose some mint chocolate ones that are very popular in Australia. We got back to the apartment, planning to sit around and chat and eat and one of the girls took a bite of a biscuit and was like “Is this mint???!!” Then no one ate any of the biscuits and they sat awkwardly on the table for a long time. Koreans, let me know in the comment section, do you like mint in sweet foods? Are there any Korean sweet snacks or desserts with mint?

The mint thing does cause some disagreements for us. If we are choosing an icecream flavour at the supermarket I usually want mint choc chip (my favourite) but he refuses to eat it, so we usually settle on chocolate or caramel (his favourite).

I bought a packet of Mint Slice the other day, and I’ve been, not so slowly, making my way through the whole pack. He isn’t going to touch them!

Ice cream for Dinner

Icecream for dinner

Guys, don’t buy the honey and macdamia ice cream cones- I think the brand was Drumstick. They were terrible! You think it’s going to all nice and honeycomby but it’s literally just a squirt of honey on top! It tastes like breakfast cereal! I hate breakfast cereal! I know I’m probably in the minority here but I don’t eat breakfast cereal, it’s gross to me. I don’t mind something like porridge but all the others….. not for me. I prefer something like toast and fruit for breakfast. My husband who loves breakfast cereal (he’ll take 10 mins deciding in the supermarket to make sure he gets the perfect one) hated the taste of this icecream too.

It was so disappointing deciding to be naughty and eat ice cream first and then it was terrible… If you are going to act childish like that make sure it’s worth it and you get triple chocolate or something.

Today there was supposed to be a video but it’s taking sooooooo long to upload to youtube. We answered a bunch of your questions. It’s still uploading. This is why I have backup comics!

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