My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 208 of 269

Our Cooking Show Video

We did this last night because it was rainy and we were just staying in. I really wanted to make something with all the excess strawberries. Strawberry shortcake would have been nice but ovens aren’t used much here, and no oven in this house. So we couldn’t do any baking…

Theme Music

Theme Music

Well it is very catchy…

So I mentioned before, it was 8 days filming for just 30 minutes. When things are all edited and put to music it looks so fun, but the reality is… you really are just walking along the street haha. Mr Gwon tries to imagine how it will be later by humming music, but he usually ends up doing some Eat Your Kimchi music instead of ours.

I’m curious to what music the documentary program will use.

Vlog 5 Update

So we haven’t had time to upload vlogs recently because we’ve had a crazy busy schedule. Being filmed is not so bad but having to constantly be doing something interesting can be really wearing. Apparently me messing around on the internet or watching movies on my laptop doesn’t make for interesting viewing. Who knew.

It has been hard, especially because I get tired very easily. I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep in a week! Ahhhh.

Do you know how long the program is? 30 minutes. Over a week filming for 30 minutes haha. But actually it was a good experience and the program is about showing our type of relationship in a positive light, so I hope people enjoy it.

GD’s Face


We’ve been seeing a lot of friends in Korea. This particular friend is a very good Japanese chef. My husband knew him and his wife in Australia but they live in Korea now. So it’s true, GD comes to the restaurant quite regularly. Obviously we can’t say which restaurant it is though. Our friend has said that he can let me know when GD comes in but I don’t want to be a creepy stalker AND it’s a pretty expensive place. As much as I’d love to see GD, I don’t want to interrupt his privacy.

I had never thought that much about face size until I had Korean friends. The first few times people told me I have a small face I thought maybe it was an insult! Then I realised it was a compliment as I observed Korean friends complain about the size of their faces. The fact that GD has a small face doesn’t make me think “Oh that makes him so handsome!”, I think his face is handsome no matter what size. That fact annoys my husband a little bit though… hehehe.


Camera Men

EBS camera men

Yup, this happened.

Tomorrow should be our last day of filming and then I can go back to being a boring person who spends most of her time on the internet and not pretending to always be out doing things.

While Waiting

While Waiting

For several days we have had someone from EBS filming us. Sometimes it’s just one camera man/producer and sometimes it’s two. Being filmed hasn’t been so bad but the schedule has been exhausting! All up it’s about 7 days of filming for just a 30 minute program. Usually we wouldn’t be doing so much stuff, but we need to be doing lots of stuff for the camera.

So that’s why this comic is so delayed, it’s the middle of the night but I stayed up to do it. Comics take twice as long when I’m tired too. Mr Gwon is out partying with the camera guys and some friends, but I needed some quiet time.

By the way, we didn’t break the camera!

The Meet Up Was Great!

We had a really great time at the meet up. Thank you to everyone who came. We expected only a few people but I think it ended up being about 20 people. Everyone was so nice and we had an awesome time. There are a few photos on Facebook mostly from the second place we went to. We started at the cafe, then moved on to a restaurant and then some of us went to a bar and then finally another restaurant. So much talking!

I haven’t done a comic yet for today but I’ll try to do one later. I’m typing this while still in the hotel bed- I’m exhausted but trying to wake up properly because we need to go out and have EBS film us some more.


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