My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 207 of 269



He says he points it out because he is just curious, but I can’t help thinking that he is doing it just to annoy me.

Where he grew up, and where we stay with his parents, is quite rural, which usually means not many foreigners. Especially his very small home town. I think the other nonKorean  there is a woman from Vietnam. We usually see foreigners when we go to Jinju but it’s still not that often, so it’s something to make note of. Often there is a nod or smile or acknowledgement as we pass by.

While we may see a foreigner every 3 days or so in that area, we see a foreigner like… every 3 minutes in Seoul! Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration but it seems like a lot. It is a bit strange after spending a lot of time in a rural area and getting used to being stared at and then going to Seoul and not getting a second look. Seoul is only a 3 hour bus ride away, but it can feel like a whole other world.

My husband is surprised at how many foreigners are in Seoul, either tourists or residents. The number has increased a lot over the years. When he was younger there were a lot less foreigners there, so it’s interesting to see how it’s changing.

Back in Sydney

We are back in Sydney safely. Really need to sleep though. Not just from travelling but because we were pretty busy for the whole 3 weeks we were away. I’ll upload a new comic or video tonight.

There are a lot of comments I need to reply to but I’ll do it later when I’m not so tired so they won’t just be gibberish like this jafboafohnafnafnafbabcabvjaka.

Okay sleep time!

Vlog 8 Book Deal (and YG Building)

So I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but it’s finally official. I signed with a Korean publishing company to have a comic book published. It will be targeted at a Korean audience and will be a lot of the stuff that is already on the blog. So English speakers- don’t worry, you won’t be missing out on a lot. Though, if you do want to practise your Korean, maybe the book will help.

This is just the first step but we are hoping to publish a comic book in English that shows how we met and a lot more stuff later on. Right now we are focusing on the book for the Korean market. So hopefully that will all go well.

Big thank you to everyone who reads the blog. I wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for you guys. I really appreciate everyone who follows the blog.

The YG building is pretty cool to see, not only because of the famous people but because the architecture is interesting too. For those that don’t know, YG Entertainment is the company that Kpop groups like BigBang and 2NE1 are under. If you have read all my posts back to the beginning I mention early on how I have a friend that lives right near it. She doesn’t like to stare too much because she has to walk by so much and doesn’t want others to think she is a stalker. We didn’t linger either because we were just walking past, but there are always a few fans there no matter what. Usually they wait by the convenience store across the road. I have no idea if they even get to see anything interesting because cars that stars get in to drive right up to the doors, so it would only be a glimpse IF you even saw anyone. I suppose there is small chance of someone going out to buy something from the store. I couldn’t do it though… I walked past one time in the rain on the way to the subway and fans were still there huddled under umbrellas.

Keeping Big Bang

Keeping BigBang

I think the Big Bang concert stuff was meant for me…. but oh well. I think he has a bit of an obsession with things that light up like that. He brings them home from work a lot. Remember the big glow stick and cubes?

Thank you to the blog reader who gave us these presents. You know who you are!

Vlog 7 – Working on Farm

We’ve been trying to help my husband’s parents as much as we can on their farm. Usually it’s just the two of them and everything takes a long time. When there are four people working things get done a lot faster.

So many of the elderly women in the town would walk by and tell me that I shouldn’t be working. They would criticise my in-laws for “forcing” me to work. One tried to tell my husband that they should be paying me. But marrying into a Korean family, I should be helping! My parents make my husband help with stuff when we are in my home town, so of course I’ll help his parents.

Choose Anything

Choose Anything


He is joking anyway because our money is all shared. However, I am concious of not spending too much because I contribute a lot less than he does. Over a year ago when I first said I wanted to pursue writing and blogging he told me he will support me no matter what. He knew this was important to me so he gave me the opportunity to try this while he works. I’m really really grateful to him and being able to have so much time for blogging and writing has been great. I’m working towards making a good income from it so he won’t have to work so hard.

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