My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Korean Drama Guy

Korean Drama Guy

Mr Gwon does have a grumpy, bossy side, and it does come out occasionally.

I get annoyed at the same plot line used in a lot of Korean dramas where they guy is really rude and bossy to the girl until he eventually realises he loves her. It is used way too much. I really don’t like it when the girl is really submissive as well and responds to his dumb requests like “Meet me here!”, “Bring me coffee!” etc etc. I usually don’t put up with it and just laugh when some of those behaviours occasionally come out in my husband. He always denies that he was acting like a Korean drama guy later, but he knows it!

Kpop Comments – VIXX Hyde

Kpop comments

This is a new segment on our YouTube channel! My husband doesn’t watch much new Kpop, so in these videos he watches a new release music video and makes some comments on it! Often when I’m watching new Kpop he makes very quick judgements like “They are stupid”, but by sitting him down and forcing him to watch the videos I think he may discover that he actually likes some songs…

First up we have VIXX with Hyde.

If you have a suggestion, leave a comment on here or any of the social media.



Korean guys always say this is the worst dream to have! Korean guys tend to talk about their military service a lot, they reminisce about it, spend hours laughing and talking about, but if they had to go back they’d have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

My husband said in the dream they contacted him and said something was wrong and that he’d have to do his service again. He protested and said, “No no, I’ve already done it”. But they said he would have to do it again. This has actually happened to guys in real life!


CNBLUE comic

Amazing concert. Unfortunately terrible venue (don’t ever go to a concert at the Big Top at Luna Park).

Their English was adorable. I know what it’s like for Koreans to only have that basic level of English and how hard it is to speak in front of others but they did such a good job! They tried really really hard.

So this is my review for the Sydney concert at the Big Top in Luna Park.

The concert was so great! I’d only seen them play a few songs at the Kpop music Fest in 2011 but I was really impressed seeing them do a full concert.

Their concert sound is heavier than their recorded sound and they are all awesome singers. Yonghwa moved around the most and he definitely is a charismatic lead singer.

I wasn’t very close to the stage but could mostly see. I noticed on the website for the venue they say something about how no matter where someone is, they should have a good view. Bull shit. Never believe a venue when they say that. They mean, you can see if you are over 6 foot tall. There were plenty of people near me that could see nothing. I was lucky to not to be too short. I also had a good view of Jungshin. Yay. I miss your long hair though.

Something that I like about CNBLUE is that they have a definite sound. They don’t jump around with really different sounds but stick with the easily recognisably CNBLUE sound. Because it’s a type of music I really like, I know that when they have new music that I will almost definitely like it. Whereas my other favourite G-Dragon, I never know if I will really love whatever he releases next. CNBLUE is nice and stable to me, and comforting, even if I don’t love a song, I still like it. So songs they played that weren’t necessarily my favourites at the concert, I still enjoyed them.

I think one of the reasons why CNBLUE is one of the few Kpop bands/groups to bring a concert to Australia is because they don’t need very much to do it. It’s just them with their instruments on the stage. Other groups need a lot more on stage to make it a decent show, and to cover up bad singing sometimes. I remember at the Kpop Fest there was some shocking live singing from some groups in particular.

CNBLUE however, are just in a whole other league. Some people may dismiss them as just Kpop idols but they are great musicians and just do a really great show. They had high energy all the the way through and did their best to communicate with the crowd. They tried really hard and you could tell they were racking their brains for more sayings to say in English, so I’m really impressed that they tried that hard. People were laughing good naturedly at their English attempts. I think they were better at interacting with the crowd than a lot of native English speaking bands actually.

There seemed to be more Koreans there than was at the Kpop music Fest, but I can’t be sure. They played their most popular songs towards the end. My husband told me that ‘I’m a Loner’ is the song most Koreans know them for. When he mentioned to friends that I was going to see CNBLUE and the friends didn’t know who they were, once he said that song they realised who it was.

I think ‘Love’ in the encore was probably the highlight for me though. If CNBLUE do come to your country I really really recommend seeing them. It will be an awesome experience.

Something that really sucked about the concert was the organisation. I’m not sure if this was the fault of the venue or JK Entertainment, or perhaps both? There was a massive line outside of Luna Park that stretched very very far. If you saw our Secret Garden video, at the end, near the wharves, that line went past there. It was ridiculous, and everyone was in the rain! There was no line allowed near the doors of the venue, no undercover area for people, and they didn’t seem to open the doors until late. I was half way down the line and once we neared the venue the staff yelled at us to run like it was our fault that they were slow! Told us to run over wet pavement in the rain…OHS issue right there! They screamed at us that the concert was already starting so to run inside. It was starting. By the time I got inside the first song was half way over. I felt bad for all the people behind me that missed even more (I heard some people missed 4 songs because of this). Hopefully if CNBLUE come back they will play a better venue. I thought it was strange that were playing at the Big Top at Luna Park, I’d never been to a concert there but all other Sydney venues I’ve been to a few times each.

Also to the girl who kept hitting me in the head with the blue stick ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE CONCERT…. Grrr… you are lucky I didn’t yell at you or worse.


JK Entertainment issued an apology for the problems and encouraged feedback. The Big Top however, issued a horrible statement blaming people for having wet tickets and saying that only a “few” people missed the start of the concert! I was really shocked at what they said. Whoever does their PR should be fired. They refused to take responsibility and refused to acknowledge that hundreds of people missed the beginning of the concert (and not just the beginning, some people missed 45 minutes of it!). Very unprofessional.

I would definitely attend an event organised by JK Entertainment. I think they are a new company and are still learning, and they encourage feed back. But The Big Top at Luna Park, I don’t think I’d ever want to go to a concert there again. Terrible venue, rude staff and management that issues statements blaming the concert goers for the problems!


The Big Top Sydney has deleted every single complaint off their Facebook page. JK Entertainment has left all the complaints. I think it’s pretty clear which company is the honest one. So in conclusion the Big Top at Luna Park is a terrible venue with terrible PR.



Yay! I really like CNBLUE. I’m going to the concert by myself though. I did contact JK Entertainment in hopes of maybe getting a few tickets and so I could do a proper review of the show. They replied with something like “nice blog but you have to buy your own tickets” haha! AND THEN they signed me up to their email list, even though I was already signed up with another email address. Haha… thanks…

It’s okay though, CNBLUE are worth it.

Let’s enjoy some CNBLUE now:



Okay so why would someone ask something like this? Because it actually happens a lot here. A lot of fake marriages for visas happen. Of course my husband was offended that his co-worker assumed that his marriage was fake, because there are lots of love matches too where people end up with residency as well.

When we were putting our visa together we had to have soooo much evidence, it was very invasive and time consuming. And while we were doing it I was constantly reminded that we had to show so much evidence because of the people who have fake marriages.

So why do people do it? Some people just desperately want to live in Australia and some people just will do anything for money. A friend of mine knew a guy who was in his 20’s but paid a 40 year old Australian woman to marry him. We know  of lots of other incidents as well. It makes me angry and frustrated that those people who do it just make it harder for everyone that is in a genuine and committed relationship.

Because immigration has the huge job of sorting through partner visa applications, trying to decide which is real and which is fake, it takes longer for everyone and basically those with genuine relationships have their lives are on hold while they wait.

I honestly don’t know how people manage it. You get reviewed after 2 years and have to prove you are in a committed and ongoing relationship, but somehow people manage to fake it.

In conclusion, it’s not nice when people assume that because I’m an Australian woman that my husband must have paid to marry me and our marriage is a sham.

I hope anyone who has seen our blog can see our relationship is very real 🙂

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