My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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We are in my home town! At my parents’ house! There are lots of Koreans here!

The funny thing is, even though it’s rural Australia, there are 5 Koreans in this house and more next door. In this house, as well as my parents, there is a couple, my husband’s sister and her boyfriend and another friend from the same area in Korea.

We got up early to travel so we are really tired. I don’t have a proper comic today, just this drawing. Korean face masks are really cheap and used by everyone! We are going to have a few days relaxing so maybe we’ll do this as well. He actually uses this type of thing more than me.


We are planning on filming a lot while here so should be some new videos soon!



No spoilers! We haven’t caught up yet. But we probably will because my husband has a few days off so we are going to stay with my parents in my home town. We’ll have lots of time then.

Now because we are going to be at my childhood home and it’s much bigger than where we live in Sydney, we are going to make some cooking videos while there. So please give us some suggestions of what you’d like to see us attempt to cook!

Kpop Comments 2PM ADTOY

You might notice that we are wearing the same clothes. Yeah, we filmed these on the same day, predicting what people would suggest. Hehehe.

A LOT of people have been suggesting EXO Wolf, but we’d prefer to comment on the drama version if there is one released. Can anyone confirm if there will be a drama version?

Big Bang Giveaway Winner

bigbang giveaway2

And the winner is: Marisol Palomares

Her answer was:

hmmm so I think it is Taeyang. I’m sure he’s always working out with the little free time available and doing protein shakes and whatnot, so the other members get like “come on…”. I bet he walks around in wife beaters or topless on the tour bus, so the rest probably get annoyed with that too. They are like, “Oh boy, not this again!” LOL.

This was a really hard one to judge! So many answers were really similar so I tried to pick something a bit different. This answer made me laugh because one of my younger brothers can be a health freak and walk around topless showing off muscles, so I know how annoying that is!

Congratulations Marisol, please send me an email at [email protected] to claim your prize.



This is another one of those times we realise the differences in our childhoods. I wasn’t home schooled but I knew lots of people who were for at least part of their education. So that joke is quite funny to me.

I tried to research a bit on home-schooling in South Korea but mostly got sites for foreigners. I did read it is illegal in Korea, but I’m not sure if that is true. When I ask my husband he just says something about “duty of education”.

From what I can gather foreigners are allowed to home-school their children but Korean children must attend school. Leave a comment if you know more about this.

Were you home-schooled? Do you know other people who were home-schooled? Any other jokes about being home-schooled?




We are only at the second season so no major spoilers please! We should catch up soon though.

South Korea is quite conservative and there is more censorship, but Koreans have the fastest internet in the world… they just go download the things they want to watch anyway. I’ve been meaning to watch Game of Thrones for a while but it wasn’t until some Korean friends recommended it to my husband that we actually started. It’s better to watch it now with Korean subtitles so he can understand everything.

But yes, in my husband’s words, “HBO shows EVERYTHING”. Many times I feel like I should cover his eyes to protect his innocent mind.

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