My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Talking to Himself

Talking to himself

We have almost finished watching Game of Thrones. We’ll be done in a few days, it’s just difficult to find time to watch while my husband is working, but soon!

So yes, I caught him pretending to be a Dothraki warrior in the bathroom. For those that don’t watch Game of Thrones, he was pretending to be like this:

Khal-Drogo (640x480)

It’s funny though, Jason Momoa who played Khal Drogo is someone I’ve been a fan of for a long time. I used to be a big Stargate Atlantis fan, which he was in. Now my husband wants to look like him. I told him if keeps working out at the gym I’ll make him a Dothraki costume sometime.

Speaking of costumes: if anyone going to Sydney Supanova Pop Culture Expo next weekend?

Kpop Comments – MBLAQ Smoky Girl

So while we were at my parents’ house we tried to film some more Kpop Comments. I know everyone was requesting EXO “Wolf” but we filmed it and there was really nothing to show, besides from criticising the lyrics and being bored by the dance. Sorry EXO fans. Please don’t kill us.

MBLAQ was enjoyed a lot more, though they were not sure if “Smoky Girl” just meant a bad girl or referred to smoky eye makeup or both.

What new music videos are coming out soon? Let us know!

Running Shoes

Running Shoes

I hate the gym. I don’t even go to a proper gym, I’ll just go down to the tiny one in our apartment building. I’d rather go for a walk or a swim instead of use gym equipment. My husband however, goes to Fitness First. Not because he likes Fitness First but because one you sign up they never let you leave!!! He does like going to classes in the gym though… “spin class” “body pump class”… all sounds horrible to me!

I’ll use any excuse not to go. Shoes are back in the wardrobe, way too much effort to get them out again.

Video: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Another cooking video! This one is a bit long because we actually show you how to do something.

So a lot of people probably know how to make chocolate chip cookies. My husband hadn’t really tasted home made cookies until he came to Australia. Koreans don’t do a lot of baking and a lot of homes don’t have ovens. My husband was surprised at how good home made cookies are, and now these are one of his favourites.

Also: no comic today as we are travelling back to Sydney – about to go to the train station.



Ew boogers. I think he is a little bit more ready than me. Probably because he doesn’t have to be the one giving birth.

We have a plan for children but we need to wait a few years. It does help having a plan about children, especially when we go to Korea and get asked when we are going to have a baby all the time. That is a bit of a difference between Australia and Korea. Some people in Australia might ask, but a lot of people don’t because it is a very personal question. It’s way more acceptable to ask in Korea so I’m glad we can easily say “In a few years” when we get asked. If we weren’t planning on having children or if either of us had some medical problems or something, that question would get really stressful. We’ve already had some Korean friends urge us to have a baby right away, so sometimes even the “in a few years” line doesn’t work, but the time isn’t right at the moment.

So for now we’ll just enjoy all our friend’s babies.

Seafood Pancake

Seafood pancake

Luckily the person he wanted to make it wasn’t me.

Anyway that’s his way of “cooking”. My mum heard him trying to convince others in the house to make it and I said his idea of cooking is to buy the ingredients and convince someone else to do it. My mum said, “That’s always my strategy,” because she hates cooking, and my husband said, “Yeah! I learnt it from you!”

He did end up convincing someone else to make seafood pancake for everyone. He loves food but doesn’t like cooking.

Money Jar

The money jar

It works like a swear jar and later when there is a lot of money they’ll buy something nice for everyone with it. You aren’t supposed to put money in it in anticipation of speaking Korean though! My husband does things his way though.

It has become like a game where people try to catch the others out. Someone will ask a question in Korean from just outside of the kitchen and the person in the kitchen will automatically answer in Korean and get caught out and have to pay.

My husband just got caught out because he was on the phone and speaking in Korean and standing in the kitchen. My mum saw him and told him, “You’ve used up your dollar!”

He went and put another dollar in and proclaimed that he can now speak Korean 5 more times and my mum said, “You don’t really get how this works do you?”

Hehehe… I’m the only one allowed to speak Korean in the kitchen.

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