My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Cooking Video – Tteokbokki

Another cooking video! We didn’t show the recipe exactly because there are lots of recipes online and they are all pretty similar. We wanted to show the extra things you can put into tteokbokki which can make it even better.

By the way, it wasn’t three of us eating all that tteokbokki! There were many people eating it, we just didn’t show them.

It can be interesting observing the Korean hierarchy sometimes. You’ll notice in the video I pointed out how my husband acts in relation to his sister sometimes. She is only one year younger than him but it can make all the difference. Of course she has to call him “oppa” but also, she can’t really be on equal terms with him. It’s very different to the relationships I have with my siblings where age doesn’t make much difference. My sister-in-law however, will listen patiently to lectures from my husband and will be respectful to him even when he does annoying things like take her food. My siblings wouldn’t put up with me doing that.

My husband was the eldest Korean in the house while we were there. Typhoon (who you have seen before and get a glimpse of his tattooed leg in the video) learnt the slang phrase “top dog” from some Australian friends and felt that was the best way to describe in English what my husband’s position in the household was in regards to them. So before we arrived he was talking about the “top dog” coming back.

Anyway, back to the food! It was really good! It was a combined effort. Adele was behind the camera but also giving some directions of what to put in. I really liked the cheese version as well. If you have trouble eating really spicy food it’s a good way of eating tteokbokki without it being too spicy. The cheese really takes away the edge and melted cheese is always delicious.



He always has the music going while he is in the shower and I can usually hear him singing. Probably not a good idea to continue the singing while shaving his face though…

EDIT: Usually I check with my husband before I upload comics but he was at the gym when I drew this one and I uploaded it right away. I was slightly concerned that he wouldn’t like it because it’s showing him doing something stupid. He just came home and saw it and said it was wrong… not the cutting himself while shaving because he was singing… but because he is wearing clothes in it! He says he was naked when this happened. But I get a bit sick of drawing him naked.

Your Face

Your Face

I don’t do it all the time, but I haven’t kicked the habit totally. When did this start? The 90’s? Well shows how old I am. Did people do this before then? Let me know. Or let me know other annoying things from your childhood. (Remember in the 90’s always finishing a sentence with “NOT!”)

It’s supposed to be when one person says something like, “This movie is so annoying.” and the other person says “YOUR FACE is so annoying!”

So that’s kinda funny…. or not funny if you are my sister. She hates when I do it.

My husband knows how it’s supposed to work and gets it right most of the time, but sometimes just ends up giving me a compliment instead of making fun.

Kpop Giveaways!


Okay I have some stuff to giveaway! To enter all you have to do is leave a comment and say which prize you’d like to win.

First up, SHINEE! I have one little plastic pouch to give away.

shinee giveaway1


Shinee giveaway3



Now…. SUPER JUNIOR! A pair of socks and a small notepad pack.


And finally… BEAST! I have one post card set.

beast giveaway


beast giveaway 2


Leave a comment saying which prize you want to win (or you can just say all three).

No spamming from multiple accounts please. I’ll randomly choose the winners next week! And don’t forget to check out the Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Kpop Comments – Wonder Boyz

I really like this song and video, more than the guys did. I don’t know much about Wonder Boyz though. Any fans out there?

Also, there has been a few questions about the two other guys. Sorry girls, they both have girlfriends 😉

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