My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 194 of 269

Shut Down

Shut Down

He likes to think that it shut down because he got food poisoning from there over a year ago. Actually it’s a chain restaurant so it could have just moved. Anyway he wanted to feel like he had a win against a restaurant that did nothing when we complained and didn’t even apologise.

It was 2 days after our Australian wedding and we had taken his sister and father to Sydney because they were flying back to Korea. We were staying with my parents (in my home town) at that time so didn’t have an apartment in Sydney. We were going to have a nice day in Sydney before going back to my home town. Then he got food poisoning from that place and was sick all night and the next day had to be on a train for a few hours. Poor Mr Gwon! I knew he was so sick when he was refusing to eat…. or even talk! I managed to get him to my aunt’s house where we stayed until he recovered.

Just a reminder: I’m not uploading comics on weekends now so I have enough time for some other projects.

Tell Us What To Do

So those that are active on our Facebook might have seen us asking you guys if there was something you wanted us to do. We were filming other stuff and decided to use that time to make the blog more interactive… and have some fun (don’t worry, I didn’t hit him hard really). This is part one so if you didn’t see your suggestion it might be in part two!

We will probably do this again sometime and will just randomly ask on Facebook or Twitter and give people about 10 minutes to reply… and then do whatever you tell us to do! But within reason guys!



I don’t even remember what I was saying that caused him to say that. Apparently it’s said in a dismissive way when someone is being too boastful, like “Yeah yeah, you are so great, your poo has colour but my poo has no colour.” Some Korean things don’t translate well…. haha.

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