My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 193 of 269

Cuddle Time

Cuddle Time

I think I won in the end and made him come over to my bed. So we’ve moved into a much better place but we haven’t got everything sorted yet. Still need a double bed and some other stuff.

We are sharing with another couple who I kinda already knew so looks like things will be a lot better here. If you are wondering why we just don’t get an apartment to ourselves – it’s not that we are super poor – Sydney is just so expensive! Especially where we need to live (it’s cheaper the further you go out into the suburbs but we need to be in an expensive area because of work). Studio apartment prices start at about $450 a WEEK. So it’s cheaper to just share. Sydney is a beautiful city but there are a lot of problems too. I wish developers would stop putting in luxury apartments and just put in normal apartments people can afford.



He loves honey! He’ll always have it on toast and usually makes a mess too. Actually there have been several honey messes he has made. Sometimes he takes some little packets from his work cafeteria and sometimes they burst and make a mess in his backpack.

The last time we went to Korea he casually threw a jar of honey in his suitcase but didn’t have it wrapped in plastic or anything! When he opened his suitcase in Korea his clothes had honey all over them.

Is anyone going to the Kwave Festival in Melbourne? We are thinking of going and would love to meet some blog readers there if anyone is going.

K-pop Comments – EXO Wolf (Drama ver.)

I did say that we’d do a K-pop Comments on EXO if the drama version of Wolf came out… well I tried! Better than nothing right?…..Hahaha…. Oh well.

In case you are wondering, he went to the hairdressers today and got his hair fixed… after that bad haircut I gave him.



He really loves Adele and listened to her a lot last year and the year before. He hasn’t for a while but a bit of soju in him and he was ready!

Worst Packing

Worst Packing

If we are travelling somewhere I will pack carefully but we are just moving three streets over! I don’t see the point of packing neatly. Those that follow us on Instagram would have seen my photo of his neat packing HERE.

I really really hate packing. My version of packing is derping around on the internet for hours until finally being forced to pack at the last minute.

Play That Song

Play That Song

Are you good at naming songs? I’m not very musical so a bit of disjointed humming does not help me recognise a song! It’s also likely that I may not know it. My husband listens to a lot more Australian/British/American music than I do and if it’s a recent song he is more likely to know than me.

Sorry that this comic is so late. We’ve been moving apartments today.

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