My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 192 of 269

What Privacy?

What Privacy

Maybe he is preparing me for when we have children and I have absolutely no bathroom privacy. Or he was just being a jerk.

My husband just said that many Korean guys do this (and probably not just Korean guys either). Haha, for those that want to marry a K-pop idol, I bet that’s not part of your fantasy.

K-pop Comments – MYNAME Baby I’m sorry

Some people have been wondering what does it take to make Mr Gwon give a K-pop video a 4 or 5 score? Well now you have your answer….. gangsters.

What does it take to make me sob like a baby? Pretty boys dying apparently.

It’s my birthday

Hey everyone! No comic today because it’s my 30th birthday and I having the day off. A big thank you to everyone who has left birthday wishes on Twitter, Facebook and his Facebook page.

Mr Gwon told me last night that he hasn’t got my present yet so I was a bit disappointed, but he was just lying! So when I woke up there was a present there for me and a very lovely card.

It’s tradition in Korea to have seaweed soup on your birthday and we follow that tradition even when we are in Australia. So I expected seaweed soup but my husband actually cooked japchae for me as well and set out the table like this.


He doesn’t like cooking so I was really really impressed that he made all this for me. (And why no chopsticks? We don’t have any in our new apartment yet haha).

Anyway I can’t believe I’m not in my 20’s any more, but as he has pointed out before… I’m already 31 in Korean age anyway!

Feeling Romantic

Feeling Romantic

Luckily he dropped me on a bed and not on the floor…

Eat Your Kimchi have a new video up about couple culture in Korea if you are interested in more Korean romance stuff.

We’ve celebrated some things, like 100 days and 300 days but not many of the others, unless we happen to realise it’s that day. As Simon and Martina said it’s usually newer couples who do all that but it can also be when the girl is more demanding and pedantic about it…. which ends up being not that romantic! But that’s what I’ve witnessed as well. I’ve witnessed Korean guys who know my husband ask for advice on what to give the girlfriend, not because they want to treat their girlfriend to something nice, but because they are scared of her getting angry if the gift or evening planned isn’t good enough! So that’s not great… but a couple that is more relaxed can have a lot of fun with the dating culture in Korea.

We do not wear couple shirts because I refuse to in Australia! We do see Korean couples here in couple shirts and sometimes I’ve giggled at that. However, when we are actually living in Korea I might change my views and start wearing them…

Don’t Like

Don't Like

He was having a bad day yesterday. It’s not like him to be so down about his appearance but it is one of those things that you start to think about the more you do blogging and YouTube. I told him it was his period because I’m pretty sure it was just his hormones or something (he is completely fine today).

He talked about how usually when he meets someone he can talk to them and show them that he is a nice guy, but online people make a very quick judgement just on your appearance and sometimes that can be really negative. We had a bit of a chat about how women are usually judged on their appearance more than men and how unfair that is. So that’s something he is starting to understand more. He said he never cared much about how he looked before but now it’s something he thinks about.

He hasn’t even had a whole bunch of negative comments either.  Almost everything on YouTube is very positive, the worst he has experienced are some dumb comments on Korean news sites, but I think he is starting to think about the future and the more exposure we get and the unavoidable judgemental comments that will come.

He feels he doesn’t fit into the very small box that is male beauty in Korea but that isn’t important to me and isn’t important to all our blog readers either. That is one thing I have trouble with in Korea, that there is a very narrow idea of what beauty is and so many people are trying to achieve that one look. I think in Australia, and many other countries, it’s accepted that there are all different types of beauty and that diversity is a good thing. Anyway I told him he is my beautiful butterfly. And yes, he did allow me to make a comic about this because it’s something everyone can relate to.

And let’s finish this blog post with some 2NE1.


K-pop Comments – B.A.P Hurricane

We usually film a bunch at once so if you’ve suggested a new release and we haven’t done it yet, it might be one of the ones we still need to edit. What did you guys think about B.A.P’s Hurricane?

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