My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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The Next Doctor

Next Doctor

This is what happens when you are on Tumblr late at night and then go straight to bed! You are bombarded with all these images from different fandoms one after the other. The things you love can cross weirdly. That’s what my brain decided last night… and I still think that would be really cool. Maybe one day The Doctor will be an androgynous Korean boy. I’d watch the hell out of that.

So, Doctor Who fans… what do you think of the next Doctor? Did you watch the reveal? It was on at 4am here so I just waited until I woke up… and which is why at about the time it was being revealed I was dreaming that it was GD.

I think the next Doctor might be a bit more scary? Or maybe I just think that because Peter Capaldi’s expressions scare me sometimes. I’ll have to wait and see!

My Keys

My Keys

This comic is up early because I’m travelling tomorrow.

He didn’t let me in for about 5 mins and just danced around while I stood there. Unfortunately he has my keys again and when we were talking on the phone earlier I asked if he was picking me up from the train station tomorrow and he said “…..maybe” and then laughed. I reminded him that he has my keys! And he just laughed again.

Remind me to never let him have my keys ever again.

What happened?


Okay this happened about 30 mins ago. I’m in my hometown for a few days while he is in Sydney. I went to bed really early last night and didn’t do a comic for today. I spent all of today with my grandmother so I haven’t had a chance to sit down and upload anything.

I didn’t realise my husband was trying to call me. So I wasn’t answering the phone and then he saw I hadn’t uploaded anything to the blog, so something must have happened!!!

I very quickly drew this comic……..obviously.

So cold

Sydney has been having a pretty warm winter. I think the average has been around 19 Celsius and it regularly gets into the 20’s. I haven’t bothered that much with warm clothing but last night the temperature dropped and I was out in only a light jacket.

This isn’t the first time it’s been pointed out to me that winters in Korea are really really cold. I’ve only been in Korea during spring and summer but when we move there it will be winter. I’m in for a nasty shock I think. My body will not be used to that at all, which why I think 13 degrees is cold! Meanwhile British people in Sydney are walking around in t-shirts saying, “What lovely summer weather this is!” but Sydney-siders are rugged up in winter coats and scarves.

Stay tuned for my commentary on Korean winters next year! If I haven’t died…

Also, I’ve just arrived in my hometown and I’m staying here for a few days. My husband is still in Sydney for work though. It is colder in my hometown than in Sydney. Don’t be fooled into thinking that Australia is always warm and sunny, there is a huge variation of temperature and weather.

Also, I still have that poo song stuck in my head. Arghhhh!

How I Make Comics

People often ask me how I make my comics and what program do I use etc, so I thought I’d do a video on how I make my comics.

It was a really big step for me to go from traditional art to making comics digitally. I think it uses a different part of the brain or something. For the art I previously did I usually had a reference to work from, but for comics I need to draw something just out of my head and work out the pacing and facial expressions. I was forced to change to working digitally even though in the beginning I drew with pen and painted with watercolours on the very first comics. It was just too difficult to do that and then have to scan the painting. It just took too long. Things are much quicker with a tablet (Bamboo Manga).

I hope that those who have been thinking about doing something like this can see how easy it is and feel inspired to try themselves.

How Arguments End

You Know nothing

This is how many of our arguments end these days. Our arguments are very minor, just about stupid stuff, but the person who first gets in “You know nothing Jon Snow!” usually wins.

That’s a Game of Thrones reference for those that don’t know. I think I’ve used up all my Game of Thrones ideas for comics…

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