My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 190 of 269

Trying To Work

Trying to work

When you were young, what did you think it would be like to be an adult? I remember thinking I’d be serious all the time and drink wine and eat cheese. The reality of being an adult and being married is quite different to what I thought. I didn’t think I’d be trying to get some work done while my husband tries to get my attention by pretending to be a zombie.

I’m not complaining though.

K-pop Comments – EXO Growl

This was filmed while I was in my hometown, so no Mr Gwon! We took over!

You might recognise Adele from some other videos and from some of the comics. She is currently living with my parents while on her working holiday in Australia.



This was one of those funny moments where I was the only one that knew this cultural difference. The Koreans not realising that we don’t put tomatoes in fruit salad and my parents being (mock) horrified at the thought of tomatoes in fruit salad. We were having a big dinner together and mum and I were making the dinner while the Koreans were making dessert.

Sometimes on the internet I see this quote “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” I always mentally add, “Unless you are Korean”.

Tomatoes are usually in patbingsu (Korean shaved ice dessert) as well…. I always eat around them because I can’t stomach tomatoes in anything that is supposed to be dessert.

What about you? Would you put tomatoes in fruit salad?

I also see Korean people snack on cherry tomatoes a lot and also have tomatoes sprinkled with sugar. (My husband is explaining about that right now and how they want to make it sweet…. haha… oh and now we are arguing about the appropriateness of tomatoes in sweet stuff).

Q & A – 4

I filmed this video while visiting my parents, so since my husband was not there I had a very special guest filling in for him!


Cold Feet

Cold Feet

As I’m uploading this right now he is complaining that his feet are cold but he is not wearing socks. I told him to “go put socks on” and he just mimicked it back to me, “Put socks on!” I’m wearing socks. My feet are warm. Don’t know why he has an aversion to socks lately.

Saturday Night

Saturday Night)

Oh poor Mr Social Butterfly had nothing to do on Saturday night but it’s okay when I have nothing to do because I don’t have any friends! This is a good example of not getting angry right away because something sounds mean. I laughed afterwards and so did my parents when they heard what he said because we know the cute way he can say things badly. It’s a good rule to always stop and think when your partner says something bad in their second language. Being quick to anger does not help in our relationship. And he spoke the truth!

Anyway, back in Sydney now.

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