My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 189 of 269



Hands up who has had this happen?

I was using a pan I had never used before and the egg just stuck and was beyond saving. Scrambled eggs for everyone!

How to make Japaghetti

Hope this helps those that were wondering how to do it! I’m sure some people will be like “You should do it this way blah blah” but this is how we do it and it’s fine! haha.

Student food!

Joke Backfire


AND we had a good laugh after that! That will teach me to think before I say “Your face” jokes.

A sense of humour is very important in a marriage!



European settlement in Australia began not much more than 200 years ago so what we view as old isn’t that old for most other countries! Aboriginal history is long and interesting and very important, but Aboriginal people didn’t build big structures that lasted, so something that is considered old in Australia… isn’t that old. I love history so I’m excited when I’m in Korea and see buildings that are hundreds and hundreds of years old. You just can’t experience that in Australia. Which is why as I walked past a bridge and saw the date it was built I thought that was cool. My husband was there to remind me about Korea though. Australia can’t win in this competition.

So what about your country?

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