My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Romance Fail

Romance Fail

Yeah real smooth Nichola! Sometimes I’m not good at the romance stuff.

Lately, I am getting asked more if I do get jealous. Mr Gwon obviously has a G-Dragon jealously problem but am I jealous of any famous people he likes? Not really, and he doesn’t like anyone the way that I like GD.

I’m not a really jealous person anyway and have never felt the need to check up on him. For example, he chats with blog readers constantly, the majority are girls, but it doesn’t bother me.

The one time recently that I got very slightly jealous was after meeting Eat Your Kimchi. Later he was like, “Wow, Soo Zee is sooo pretty! Soo Zee is sooooo smart! Soo Zee is sooooo great!” Eventually I was like, “Okay could we talk about something else now?” haha.

Cooking Filipino Food

A friend shows us how to make some Filipino food!

So this took a surprising turn. Mr Gwon who always wants me to kill cockroaches, spiders, moths….everything….. felt sorry for the slug!



By the way Mr Gwon loves pugs soooo much. I have a labrador back home who we miss a lot. You can see her in the second Typhoon interview video.



He came home from work the other night and wandered around the apartment for a good while with his backpack still on but his jeans were already off.

Who is most handsome?

Who is most handsome?

Koreans seem to have this open dialogue about people’s looks that I’m not that used to. As a society they tend to be image focused and people’s attractiveness comes up a lot in normal conversations. I think my husband has unnerved some Australian guys more than once by leaning in and saying, “You are very handsome” to them. That is completely normal for Korean guys though.

So pretty much every time I’m hanging out with a group of Korean guys, particularly if we have first met, they’ll ask me to choose who I think is the most attractive. It makes me so uncomfortable! They’ll keep asking me to do it though, so usually I will finally choose. My choice often surprises them because I have different taste in guys than Korean girls usually. At that point I hope it’s all over but then they want me to choose the next best guy and so on. I flat out refuse at that point because someone has to be last right? I don’t want to hurt any feelings.

I’m not sure if they get me to do this because I’m a married woman and it’s safe to do without any misunderstanding or if since I met my husband I’ve just been around Korean men a lot more. I knew Korean guys before I met my husband but I hadn’t had this situation happen that much. Now I always expect it but I’m no better at dealing with the situation. (Just asked my husband and he seems to think it happens a lot to me because I’m a married woman).

The funny thing is my husband knows me so well that he can easily predict which guy I think is most handsome.

Interview with Typhoon – Part 2

Here is the second part of the interview with Typhoon who has been living with my parents out in rural Australia. I filmed a little bit of him every time I went back home.

To just expand on what he was talking about in regards to other Koreans: It’s something that frustrates my husband a lot too. Many Koreans go back to Korea and tell others, “Don’t go to Australia. I didn’t learn any English there. It’s not a good place to learn English.” The reality usually is that these people went straight into the Korean community, got a job with only Koreans, lived with Koreans and only met Koreans. That’s fine if that’s what they want to do, but not so good for improving English, which is usually their goal. Having large Korean communities in Australia is a great thing, but can also mean that some Koreans don’t ever step outside of their comfort zone. The same thing happens in The Philippines. Many people go there to learn English but instead just party with other Koreans and not go to English class. Bit hard to learn English that way! Typhoon wants to encourage others to try new things and step outside of their comfort zone.

What Typhoon and his girlfriend did was travel to a more rural part of Australia right away, which is why they made lots of Australian friends, experienced different things and why Typhoon plays soccer on Australian teams.

We are hoping to do a few more interviews like this with other Koreans that are living in Australia.

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