My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 178 of 269

Late at night

Late at night

I actually changed the pacing of this one because he really wanted to be a zombie at the end.

We’ve been having some bad bushfires in Australia (I hope anyone near them is okay!) so there has been a lot of smoke over Sydney. It was pretty creepy looking at night, especially with the full moon.

Cheese Smell

Cheese Smell

So he can be really lazy putting lids back on kimchi properly and doesn’t care about there being a strong kimchi smell, but suddenly he doesn’t like there being a strong cheese smell! The couple we are living with bought some fancy cheeses (if you guys are reading this, don’t worry! I don’t mind the cheese smell and it’s funny to see him react to it) and he complains every time he opens the fridge.

Anyone who has lived with Koreans probably knows that eye-watering kimchi smell every time they open the fridge. I don’t mind a bit of a smell but sometimes it can be too much. Is that why there are special kimchi fridges in Korea?

The reason is comic is up late is because I’ve had some problems with my tablet (Bamboo manga pen and touch) and the program I use Opencanvas. A driver was updated I think and since then I can’t scroll using the tablet, it zooms instead. It’s not a massive problem but it’s annoying and makes drawing harder… and it shouldn’t happen! With another program there doesn’t seem to be a problem but with opencanvas and opencanvas lite it’s doing it. I’m not sure if it’s the program or the tablet or both causing it. My tablet is getting old. We tried for hours searching for a solution but couldn’t find much and nothing worked. If you know how to fix this please tell me!




I like finding humour in the really mundane things in life.

Also last night he was using my red toothbrush because he didn’t bother turning the light on. Not only did I give up the purple toothbrush for him but he stole my red one too! …hehehe.



So I only just learnt that Koreans give toilet paper or laundry detergent as housewarming gifts. Apparently this tradition started when Korea was still a poor country and these items were too expensive as well as there being some symbolism to it.

Are you looking forward to receiving lots of toilet paper Han and Sophie??

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