My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 177 of 269

Eating Sushi

Eating Sushi

Sushi places are almost always run by Koreans here. But when you enter, the employees always greet you in Japanese and then go right back to talking in Korean to each other.

My husband prefers me to order in these situations because even though he knows they are Korean and they probably know he is Korean, he feels he has to speak in English to them and it makes him feel awkward. It’s really different to Korean restaurants where they are expecting him to just speak in Korean.

Not a Morning Person

Not a morning person

My keys have keys for other things like the PO Box and the gym, and his keys are attached to his work badge, so sometimes he takes mine.

I don’t think I’m a horrible morning person, it’s just our mornings start at about 1 or 2pm and since it’s already afternoon people expect you to be functioning properly already. Give me some more time! I bet you can’t function as well as I can at 3am! Luckily my husband completely understands my dumb time until I’m ready for the day. It’s a little worrying when I’m replying to emails and comments in my dumb time though…

Speaking of tea, I do enjoy English Breakfast tea but mostly I drink Chai tea. Love it sooo much.

Guest Post: Korea in my Kitchen

Today we have a guest post from Korea in my Kitchen!

I am Leslie from I went to Korea to teach English and came home with a husband! Fast forward 14 years, we now have four kids, a house in the ‘burbs of Vancouver, Canada and a dozen chickens. My blog covers all things Korean in our home, from recipes to culture with lots of pictures of our kids thrown in!

As a teacher, I often use these comic people to illustrate ideas and I have fun telling stories about our family in the same way.  I love reading Nichola’s comics… they often remind me of when my yobo and I were first married! So Nichola and Hugh, my comics might give you a glance into your future!

Pork... fork

A day off


Thank you Leslie!

Mr Gwon will definitely be telling our kids to use the pork. Even after speaking English for years it seems to be a reoccurring thing – the tricky F sound! And speaking of having no down time when you have kids – my friends with kids all urge me to have kids soon but at the same time say, “But you’ll have no time ever!” haha

Kit Kats

Kit Kats

It all started because the big Kit Kat blocks were really cheap at the supermarket. Now every time I’m making a shopping list he says, “Kit Kat!” I refuse to buy them now.

He really likes the white chocolate or caramel Kit Kats. Does your country have unique Kit Kat flavours? I had wasabi flavour in Japan.

I also realised that Nestle makes Kit Kats everywhere in the world except the US where it’s Hersheys. That’s weird to me because Hersheys has such a different taste.


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