My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 173 of 269



Koreans shush using “Shhh!” as well but also use “Shhh” for toilet training kids… which is why my husband gets a feeling of needing to pee whenever I do it. But seriously… 2am is not the time to be making a lot of noise in the kitchen.

Sick Day

Sick Day

Koreans say “Zombie” as “Jombie”.

Make sure you marry someone who still loves you on your worst days! Though I am possibly this sick because he opened lots of umbrellas inside! (Joking).

Spring colds are the worst! You know when you can’t speak because your throat is so sore? Or your nose is so runny all the can do is jam tissues up there to try and stop it? Ughhhhhh

Bad Luck

Bad Luck

I don’t really believe in superstitions, but there is something culturally ingrained in me because I do feel a bit uneasy at seeing lots of umbrellas open inside.

Now I’m not saying that those open umbrellas caused bad luck, but within a few hours I did very quickly succumb to a very bad cold. Just saying!

What superstitions are there in your country?

Phone Number

Phone Number

His English is a million times better than my Korean so I had to take this win. I’m terrible with numbers and can barely remember my own phone number in English, let alone Korean. Don’t underestimate someone’s willpower to win a petty argument!

Put Your Name In

Put Your Name in

Do you remember writing your name in notebooks with a celebrity’s surname when you were younger? This probably only applies to girls… I’m sure I wrote “Nichola Hanson” as a teenager…


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