My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 172 of 269

The Day of the Doctor

The Day of the Doctor

This was really cute. I won’t say too much because of spoilers but the scene where the 3 of them are together and get their sonic screwdrivers out was what prompted him to run and get his one. He got really immersed in it!

So who watched it?

While Away

While Away

It’s so bad it’s good! In a Boys over Flowers way. Of course my husband has no interest in this drama so I could enjoy it without his criticism while he was away.

I actually think the subplots are more interesting than the main plot and would like to see more of that. I won’t say too much else in case others are planning on watching it and haven’t yet.

No Muse

no muse

Yup, it’s pretty quiet here! He is in Melbourne until Monday. Usually if I don’t have a comic idea I rely on him to either do something funny or remind me of another time where he did something interesting or funny. But he’s not here!

I’m glad he is having fun in Melbourne though. He did a lot of backpacking before he met me and he really loves travelling and meeting new people. But he called me last night and complained about how dirty everyone is in the backpackers he is staying in is! Maybe he has got too used to the comfortable married life?


Article on DramaFever

It’s been a little while since we did our fake G-Dragon interview. What? It was fake??? Noooooo!!!

We have been getting some questions about how we found someone that looked like G-Dragon. Also how easy is it to find Korean guys that do look like K-pop stars?

I’ve written an article for DramaFever about it HERE.


Comics on DramaFever

Hey guys! For those that might not know, I have another comic over on DramaFever again.

This is a regular thing so look out for my comics over there once a week! They are special ones that won’t be shown here! You gotta go over there!

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