My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 171 of 269

Eating Cereal

Eating Cereal

He is doing it again right now and still didn’t want a spoon. We are staying with friends but in their ‘granny flat’/studio so we don’t have a proper kitchen. I was offering to just go into the main house and get him a spoon but he doesn’t think it’s necessary.

So Mature

So mature

This one should be rated M for Mature… or maybe I for immature.

We are staying with our friends for a little while. If you watch our videos – it’s Han (fake GD) and his wife. When we went for this walk we talked about how sometimes it’s like being married to a 10 year old boy. Completely immature sometimes, but they do make us laugh.

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi


‘Bogan’ is roughly the equivalent of the UK’s ‘Chav’ or ‘White Trash’ in the USA.

I’m not saying the band Bon Jovi is bogan, just that it’s the type of music that often appeals to bogans. My husband knows that as well, which was why he was scaring me like that. He just wanted to get a reaction…. which he did.

Thankfully he is not going to be a bogan any time soon, especially as it’s usually bogans being racist or telling him to “go back to where you came from”.

Moving to Korea

At the moment the plan is to live in Korea for 2 years but that is flexible.  It’s something we’ve been thinking about ever since we started dating because I really want to have this experience, and it will be good for my husband to be near his family. We’ll be staying with them first before finding our own place. Still not sure if we will move somewhere near Seoul or Busan.

We will be blogging full-time, which is hard to explain to some people. A lot of people aren’t that aware of how bloggers make money. Also a lot of people can be quite dismissive about our book deal as well. Oh well, if we’d listened to people in the beginning we’d never have started a blog, but now look how far we’ve come. We’ve got money saved up so we can survive for quite a while as well.

It’s something we’ve really thought about too. In Australia my husband had a pretty easy job with good pay but if he works in Korea for a company he will be working twice as much for only half the pay. He’d be away from me all the time as well even though I’d be in Korea too. If he had to do that we probably wouldn’t be moving to Korea.

Hopefully we’ll have some interesting videos coming up. My husband’s family lives in a very rural area and don’t speak any English. I’ve done about 1 year of Korean study and am constantly hearing Korean, but I’m still very much a beginner. It’s going to be hard for me.

I have a feeling my husband may get some reverse culture shock as well. He has been in Australia for a while. But it’s still all very exciting!

Crayon Pop Signed CD Giveaway Winner

Holy crap guys! You made it so hard to choose! I’ve never had such heartfelt answers in a giveaway before!

Unfortunately I had to choose just one person (and Mr Gwon is still refusing to give up his signed cd) but I think everyone deserves the CD!


So, the winner is:


Arthur Oliveira


Congratulations! I promise if we ever get the chance we’ll try to get a bunch more signed Crayon Pop CDs for everyone.

The winner needs to email me at [email protected] to claim their prize.

Butt Defensive

Butt Defensive

He said his shorts were too loose and he couldn’t keep them up.

While I was drawing this comic he looked at it and said, “You are drawing too much of my butt!”

I told him I’m drawing exactly how much he had hanging out when this happened. He replied, “Yeah… it’s too much.”

So now he knows what it looked like but at the time he was so defensive of his butt!

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