My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Holiday House

Holiday House

Kangaroo poo is a lot nicer than dog poo! My husband wasn’t as disgusted by it.

The kangaroos come in the evening and eat everyone’s lawns. We’ll try to film them while here so we can show you later. They are wild but very used to people.

Summer Holidays

We are at a holiday house with my family right now! We are here for Christmas. Of course Christmas is in summer in Australia so it’s nice to have a beach Christmas. We’ll be here for about a week. I will trying to keep a normal posting schedule while here but the internet is quite patchy.


Here is Mr Gwon with some Kangaroos at the front of the holiday house.

Mr Gwon and kangaroos

This is NOT normal in Australia, we just happen to be in a small coastal town surrounded by bushland. The kangaroos like to eat people’s lawns in the evening. You don’t usually see scenes like this in Australia.

Just to answer some people’s questions on the social media:

They are wild kangaroos but somewhat used to people. You can’t really pat them because if you come too close they will hop away. But they are a less timid than other wild ones since they move through residential areas every evening. They don’t mind people if you stay a respectful distance.

They are NOT dangerous. Kangaroo attacks for no reason are very rare so there really isn’t anything to fear. Even though there was one in the news recently – it’s still really rare. Also most of the kangaroos here are females, younger ones or joeys. We only saw 1 bigger male today. Kangaroos aren’t going around kicking and fighting. That behaviour is by males and only at certain times.

Anyway we are enjoying the sun and the beach before moving to Korea next month!

Pay the Fine

pay the fine1

I still haven’t paid the fine and he is still trying to make me. Seriously, the point of the rule is to help with English, but English is my first language and I’m learning Korean! It makes no sense for me to not be able to speak Korean in the kitchen. My husband is refusing to budge though. Apparently that rule is for everyone…haha.

For those that may not be aware, we are currently at my parents’ house and they have a bunch of Koreans living with them.

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