My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 164 of 269

Immigration Four

Immigration Four

Korea, like many other Asian countries, has a superstition about 4 because it sounds similar to the word for death (in Sino-Korean).

Of course tetraphobia is not the only thing needed for living in Korea. I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am that I visited Korea many times before moving here, because it has made the transition a lot easier. If I had never been to Korea before, I would be very overwhelmed. Even more so because we are in a rural area and not a city. I’m sure there will be hard times ahead though.

My visa was extended easily enough thankfully. The visa system here is different to the Australian system. I came to Korea with a 3 month partner visa which has now been extended to 1 year. We just extend again when we need to.

No Warm Hat

No warm hat

Now who is the stubborn idiot?!  Me!!

I think I was tricked the first day we arrived in Korea because it wasn’t tooo cold so I thought “I can handle this!”

Then it got a lot colder. Okay, warmth over fashion!

No Winter Coat

No Winter Coat

You may have noticed my husband has a stubborn streak… well it came out when we arrived in Korea. It was about 5 degrees Celsius when we landed and it got colder and colder. However, he refused to wear anything other than jeans and a tshirt until we arrived at his parents’ house at night! So he travelled from Busan to Jinju to his home town in short sleeves! I’m sure it was below 0 by the time we arrived but he wanted to prove that he could do it.


Hey everyone we have landed in Korea! We got to my husband’s parents’ house last night. Since we are quite tired from travelling, Sophie made me a comic for today! Most of you would have seen Sophie and her husband Han feature in some comics and videos before.


So some Koreans really adapt to an international diet when they move to a foreign country.

Not my husband.

Han wont eat more than one of what he describes as ‘bread’ in a day (sometimes in a month!) and if cake is bread, you might be wondering what else is bread. I asked Han for a few examples, he told me the following are all bread:
Donuts, pancakes, croissants, cereal, cake, biscuits, pizza, pasta, ..and the list goes on and on..

Anyway, Han looked after our little Alice for HOURS so I could draw this and at times got photoshop rage and wacom rage, haha, I don’t know how you do it every day, Nic!

Han, Alice and I want to wish you all the best on the beginning of your big Korean adventure and hope you have a good day off today (since I have made this comic for you!)


You can follow Han on Instagram HERE.

Mr Gwon also got an Instagram recently too. Follow him HERE.

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