My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 161 of 269

Seoul Subway

Seoul subway

It is always a bit weird going from the countryside into Seoul. We feel really comfortable out in the countryside, so Seoul can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. We have to double check maps and subway exits and are carrying bags – it really makes you feel out of place.

Up until yesterday my husband thought the phrase was “country pumpkin” not “country bumpkin” so had been calling himself a country pumpkin which is pretty funny since pumpkin also means “ugly” in Korean!

One of the biggest differences I noticed was that the women had much whiter skin than the women in the countryside. Which makes sense if countryside women are getting more sun. But not all countryside women are outside a lot either so it wasn’t just that. I’m pretty sure the makeup had a lot to with it too. The way I saw some Seoul women wear makeup made their faces look a lot whiter and was contrasted with red lipstick. It was a look that I haven’t seen as much out here.

We will be back in Seoul next week. We’ll be going to a friend’s wedding as well as hopefully doing some other exciting stuff.

Reply 1994

Today’s comic is over on DramaFever. CLICK HERE.

We’ve really been enjoying the drama Reply 1994 (Answer Me 1994) but I don’t think my husband was as cool as he thought he was back in his teen years…



Because of the romance/couple culture in Korea it’s quite normal to see guys holding their girlfriend’s handbags or doing things like tying their shoelaces for them. It’s nice to change things up though! I also sometimes grab his wrist the same way guys do in Korean dramas.



It was like Christmas! Seriously, the last time I got a new bike was a Christmas a very long time ago. I was really reluctant to go downstairs at first because my husband hadn’t told me why. Often when I’m called downstairs it’s because someone in the village wants to meet me. Sometimes it is properly meeting – there was one nice guy who wanted so speak English with me – but sometimes it feels more like they have just come to stare at the white person. Sometimes I’m in a happy mood to deal with that, other times I’m feeling a bit more introverted. I thought it was a situation like that, where someone wants to see me because they have rarely ever seen a white person and I was worried how I looked. My mood changed instantly when I saw the pink bike!

My mother-in-law felt bad for me that I’m working in our room most of the time. I really like long walks but my husband doesn’t and it’s not a good idea for me to wander off alone around here. But now I have a bike to ride around the village! The neighbours joked that I’ll run away now that I’ll have a bike because they saw me racing up and down the road on it.

Is it really going to snow?

Is it really going to snow?

Hah! It didn’t snow today! The only time it has snowed was the day after we arrived, very early in the morning, so we didn’t see it. The cold hasn’t been as bad as I thought and we are further down south so it’s not as cold as Seoul. Maybe when we go to Seoul next week I’ll be in for a shock?

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