My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Bread and Cheese

Bread and Cheese

I wasn’t even upset that they had eaten my precious bread and cheese from Seoul because I was so happy that they liked it. There is this belief in Korea that all foreigners eat bread every day, but the only bread Koreans are familiar with is sweet bread, so that’s what they think we eat. Many people have no idea that most bread around the world is actually savoury. Unfortunately huge chain stores like Paris Baguette don’t help because the majority of what they sell is sickly sweet and pretty gross. So I have always been curious, if Korean people are exposed to good quality savoury bread and cheese (most cheese here is processed plastic stuff) will they like it? I know my husband does, but he likes everything. I even double checked with my husband, “Did they really like it? They weren’t just saying that?” and he said they really did. Yessss!

ALSO: I have some kinda bad news… there won’t be any more comics on the blog for the rest of this week. Sorry! I have to focus on the comic book that will be published soon and will be working really hard this week. There will still be videos because Mr Gwon edits those, but for the comics I produce every day, I will be too busy this week. I’m giving you the exact dates that there won’t be any because I don’t want to be one of those bloggers that never updates once they get a book deal. Also we constantly update the social media so you can follow what we are doing through that. So there will be a new comic next Monday!

Ask Korean Guys – 10

This video is a bit late because we were in Seoul for a few days. We are starting to run out of Ask Korean Guys videos that we filmed while in Australia. Oh no. Hugh will have to film some with other Korean guys until Han visits Korea. Will people still watch if Han is not in the video??

The guys talk about problems expressing themselves in English, dreaming in English and if some Koreans date foreigners only to improve their English. And will Han call Hugh “Oppa”?



Stupid things said when paying too much attention to a phone screen…

We go to Seoul today for a meeting with the publishing company. I’m not sure if there will be a comic tomorrow, it just depends on time. The next month or so may be a bit difficult in regards to producing the same amount of comics because I will be working on the book. I’ll do my best but please be understanding if I’m not producing 5 comics a week.

Okay I better go finish packing! And I guess Seoul is technically above us on a map…

BB Cream

BB Cream

One of the things I really like about Korea is there isn’t the same obsession with masculinity as the West, and masculinity is often defined in a different way  to Western Culture. BB Cream is a great product in Korea and BB Creams here have many uses other than just a foundation and are usually an all in one product. Whitening, blemish treatment, serum, sunscreen, moisturiser, as well as coverage. Unfortunately most BB Creams from Western companies are just tinted moisturisers and don’t have the benefits of Korean BB Creams. Beware of those ones.

My husband wears BB Cream when we film videos and occasionally when we have to go to an event or something. He doesn’t wear it every day, and wears one designed for men. He is pretty lazy about putting it on, but luckily BB Creams tend to adjust to match skin tone. He should do it in front of a mirror though! He puts it on the same way Aussie guys slap on sunscreen at the beach. I think if it ever became really normal and socially acceptable for men to wear BB Cream in Australia they’d probably do it that way as well! Put some in their hands and then rub vigorously over the face for 5 seconds.

Many people comment on how great Korean people’s skin looks, especially Kpop stars. Korean people do take care of their skin and do a lot of treatments on their skin, but that’s only part of it. BB Cream and makeup play a huge role and Kpop stars wear a lot of makeup! Sorry to burst any bubbles there. Your oppas are wearing so much makeup… it’s not that they are completely flawless..

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