My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 151 of 269

The Way You Are Saying it


The Way You Are Saying It

At least he tells me things maybe a teacher wouldn’t! My Korean study somewhat stalled because of how busy we have been. I’m not at a conversational level where I can learn just by talking and listening, especially when everyone around me is speaking dialect quickly. It’s also hard to get my husband to speak to me in Korean as he always just naturally defaults to English all the time. I’m not giving up though and want to study every day. We are going to have to have days where no English is allowed.

MGT – Bus Travel and Car Accidents

While subtitling this we talked about what actually happened to the guy in the car accident. We searched online and couldn’t find out if he ever came out of the coma, but we did find a news article about the “missing Korean tourists”. One of those being my husband! He didn’t know until today that people had searched for him for 7 hours! Even though it was back in 2006, big thank you to those who searched and were concerned.

Jumping Spiders

Jumping Spiders

I’m going to be completely honest here: the memes and stuff that go around the internet about how everything is sooooo dangerous in Australia annoy me. If there is something that is the truth and done in a funny way it’s fine, but mostly it’s just exaggerated or just plain stupid. AND THEN people will say things like, “I can’t ever go to Australia because it’s so dangerous with the snakes and spiders!”…. Seriously? You are not going to get off the plane and be attacked by crazy snakes and spiders. Australia is really not that dangerous.

Korea, well rural Korea, has the most annoying jumping spiders! They literally jump onto you! I miss my Australian spiders that were cool and just hang around and don’t bother you. I once had a spider in the shower that lived in the corner for months. He was just chilling. You can’t chill with Korean jumping spiders, they are little bastards.

I asked my husband about this, because he is terrified of spiders and moths….. and as you’ve seen in a comic….butterflies. He says he doesn’t care about these spiders because they are small and you can just flick them away. But he is scared of big spiders and colourful ones. So spiders that aren’t doing anything to him are scary, but ones that want to JUMP ON YOUR FACE aren’t? I don’t understand his logic.

As I was drawing this comic I felt something crawling on my back. I swiped at it and then I looked in the mirror and saw a dark red/brown stain on my tshirt. There was a spider crawling INSIDE my tshirt and I had just squished it! And now I’m wearing a different shirt… Why spiders? Why are you doing this?

Oh and rural Korea has millipedes… that’s a whole other story.

Cherry Blossoms & Canola Flowers

We had a big day out on the weekend! We went and saw cherry blossoms. At the place we went to there was also a festival and lots of people! Lots of couples. Then we went to another place where there is canola, which was beautiful as well. Korea is very beautiful at this time of the year.

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