My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 147 of 269


We were actually filming us riding bikes around the countryside when we decided to go down near the river and discovered a billion tadpoles! So we decided to make a quick video because they thought it was so cool.

The mother from

The mother from

Ahjummacist? That doesn’t even make sense. (Ahjummas are technically women who are married but tends to mean women in their 40’s and 50’s).

I’ve heard a lot of Koreans who have visited or stayed in Australia comment on the look and style of Australian women who are in that ahjumma age range. They have noticed that there isn’t one type of style for them and looks and hairstyles range considerably. In Korea there is a definite ahjumma style and something called an ‘ahjumma perm’. So of course ahjummas can end up looking very similar (obviously I’m not racist haha). My sister-in-law’s boyfriend once asked his mother about the perms saying, “Did you all get made in the same factory?”

When I go shopping with my mother-in-law we have to spilt up because I go to the younger women section and she goes to the ahjumma section – which is very different! I’m sure there are older Korean women that wear the younger styles, and the wealthy always have more access to different styles, but to me the ahjumma style is so vastly different to the younger styles. While of course in Australia there are clothing stores dedicated to older women, I’ve always been able to borrow clothes from my mother or shop in the same stores as her without feeling that style is vastly different to my own.

There also seems to be that line that you some day have to cross into ahjumma fashion. One of my husband’s female friends recently got an ahjumma perm and her friends were horrified. She insisted it was nice and easy to manage now so she felt comfortable, but her friends (all in their 30’s) were not ready to cross that line yet.

I don’t think I will ever get an ahjumma perm though…


Also, there wasn’t a new Mr Gwon Time yesterday like there should have been, but there is a new video on our BONUS channel where we try some of the candy you guys sent us.

Lots of packages! (And bonus videos)

We open some more amazing packages!

There are also 2 new videos on the bonus channel. These are actually from years ago but Mr Gwon wanted to share them.

This one is from an Australian Christmas party. I’ve mentioned before that my parents rent out a house to Korean guys on working holiday visas. These guys were a lot of fun. We showed them this party game and as usual they were pretty rowdy while playing it. (We also taught them Marco Polo which ended up being the most abusive Marco Polo I’ve ever played!)

This video is Mr Gwon go-karting with my dad, brother and a friend. Go-karting like this is not something he gets to do in Korea.

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