My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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So loud! Too bad if there really was a problem and I was like “Oh it’s just the taekwondo kids” and then the roof caves in on me.

I put a photo on Instagram a little while ago of the kids after their lessons playing by the river.


Henry Bloomfield

I do get quite a few emails from people wanting to do a guest post or want us to promote them somehow on the blog and the majority I turn down. We only really promote things we really like and we want our blog readers to trust us when we recommend something.

Last night I got an email from a guy called Henry and it was such a nice thoughtful email! I’ve had my share of copy paste emails of people wanting promotion so it was such a pleasant surprise to see a personal email from someone who is obviously following the blog.

Henry is an American musician who moved to Seoul in September. He was motivated by his positive experiences with Koreans while at Berklee College of Music and, like me, ended up having Korean friends and being interested in Korean culture.

This is his new music video which is so cute and fun. As soon as we saw it we knew it was something we would be happy to share with you guys. You can definitely see the Korean influence right?

We really liked the song and video and Hugh was singing along after just one listen.

You can check out Henry’s website here.

Let’s Sleep

Let's Sleep

So tempting! But we resisted temptation and went to bed so we haven’t seen the latest episode yet. It can be really hard to find time to watch things together.

Things to consider when dating/marrying a Korean guy

This is quite a long video because there are a lot of things to talk about. Sophie and I will address certain topics more in depth later so now is the time to ask questions!

Everyone has different experiences but Sophie and I made a list of a bunch of things to consider when dating a Korean guy with the intention of marriage.

Dol Celebrations

Dol Celebrations

(Woolies is Woolworths, a major Australian supermarket).

Han and Sophie’s daughter Alice had her first birthday celebrations (돌) on the weekend. It’s a very big thing in Korea! They are a lot of fun but my husband realised how much work they are. They are more like a wedding than actual modern Korean weddings are (way more fun as well).

He was only joking about not doing them for our children, of course we have to. Sophie also pointed out that once we have a baby he is going to think his child is the best in the world and do everything for them! First birthdays are huge events but they are also well catered for. You book the package deal you want and it’s held at a special hall with a buffet and an MC and everything is provided.

I’m sure once we have a baby he is going to think we need to do much more than just buy a supermarket cake!

Here is a photo from the celebrations.

dol celebrations

Ask Korean Guys 16

They didn’t really talk about what Korean food they like and later just said something like, “We like it all”. It is really hard to say what strictly Australian food they like because it’s all British roots anyway. That’s why Han ended up talking about vegemite.

Surprisingly, although Hugh eats more western food than Han, Han is the one who likes vegemite more. I’m not sure his explanation really sells it though…

(This was filmed in January).

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