My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 143 of 269

Picking Onions

My parents-in-law like to send produce from the farm to others, so they allow us to send some to friends in Seoul. However, every time we do it they make us send so much! Last time we sent rice… and it was a 20 kilo bag…

Thinking about TOP

Thinking about TOP

He had a chat to Jamaica from SBS PopAsia about how cool TOP is.

For those that don’t know who TOP is, he is a rapper in the very famous Big Bang.


Well at least he is inspiring Mr Gwon to work out. He was going well working out every day until he injured his foot so didn’t exercise for a few weeks. He is back doing it now, so cheer him on!

Tired on the bus

Tired on the bus

We’ve been super busy lately and came back from Seoul last night. We did some filming with Han and Sophie here and then we travelled to Seoul together. For those that don’t follow us on Instagram here are some of the photos.

On the bus to Seoul


Han on the bus.

Han on bus

Waiting to meet with the publishing company. Walking around with Alice.

Han and Hugh

We stopped by the Eat Your Kimchi studio and Martina gave Alice this game. You may have seen it in a video before.


Sophie and Alice out on Saturday night in Ilsun.

Sophie and Alice

Alice watching some buskers.

Buskers and Alice

The boys after Saturday night drinking, wearing ahjumma pants. Mr Gwon, Han and Daniel (Daniel will be in some videos later this year).

Ahjumma Boys

The boys with Alice on Sunday

Han Hugh Alice

Unfortunately we didn’t get to do all the filming that we wanted to get done with Han and Sophie. Sophie and I didn’t get to film our videos because of time, illness and family commitments, but we are determined to get them back to Korea this year so we can do more stuff together. They fly back to Sydney tomorrow.


Hey guys! Sorry there wasn’t a comic yesterday. There isn’t one today either, we are about to leave for Seoul. We have been super busy filming with Han and Sophie while they have been here and now we are travelling to Seoul together. See you all Monday!

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