My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 142 of 269

Do you want some watermelon?

Do you want some watermelon?

He used both Korean and English is a sentence so my brain tried to use both Korean and English…

네 is yes in Korean (though it has more meaning that just ‘yes’ in English but let’s not go into that) and sounds something like “neh”. So that’s what happens when you combine it with ‘yes’….

Some days I feel like my English is deteriorating but my Korean is not getting any better.

Ask Korean Guys – Dream Jobs

Season 2 of Ask Korean Guys. They guys talk about what their dream jobs were when they were kids and what they are now. We filmed a bunch while Han was here and another friend, Daniel, will join Hugh in some episodes later. T

Weird English


Weird English

I actually really like it when clothing has very cute English or Konglish and it does make some sense. But when it’s pretty much gibberish it annoys me. Mr Gwon informs me every single time, “Nobody cares.” It’s seen as cool to have English on clothes and it doesn’t have to make sense which is why there ends up being some complete gibberish. People aren’t native English speakers here so don’t care that it makes no sense.

I do get annoyed at the swear words everywhere though. Oh I’m so old and crotchety! But seriously Korea, stop putting the F-word on everything, especially on clothing for younger girls.


Sorry there was no comic today. We were busy cleaning out a storage room that we are transforming into a (very small) studio.

Here is a page from an old note book of Mr Gwon’s…

mr gwon notebook

Some things have changed, some things have not changed at all…

Mr Gwon Time 10

This is my wife. I made this video for her and you guys.

Actually, when she saw this one she didn’t want me to put it up. but I did.kkkk

It’s funny ^__________^

Hope you enjoy with this!

And this video…

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