My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in South Korea. It is for commemorating and honouring those who have given their lives for their country.

Read more here.

It’s also time remember that the Korean War never officially ended. We aren’t just commemorating fallen soldiers from long ago wars, but also remembering those who have died recently while protecting their country. Soldiers are still killed in skirmishes with North Korea and in military service accidents.

My Choice

My Choice

Soooo not really my choice then? I’m usually showing my husband when he is quite happy and silly but like anyone he can be moody. Moody and bossy usually go together as well. Occasionally we get comments on videos where someone feels the need to say that I “obviously wear the pants in the relationship”. Not really fair to judge from videos where he is shyer on camera (but more outgoing in real life) and we are speaking my native language, not his. But you know what YouTube is like… not many people think out comments before posting haha.

He can be so bossy! Actually we both can, so we even each other out. You know when some people’s moods dramatically dip when they start to feel hungry? He is definitely one of those people. There are plenty of times where I know he is hungry before he knows it simply because his mood suddenly changed for no reason. Are you one of those people? Do you get HANGRY?”

In this incident his mood went from, “Oh please choose where we can sit baby, anywhere is fine. I don’t mind.” To 10 seconds later where it was, “I want to sit right here and I’m going to be stubborn about it and you should come here now because I’m not going to move *evil laugh*”.


It’s here! The G-Dragon Summer Lookbook! Now you know what to wear this summer!


We always have a really fun time shooting with Han (and Sophie). Did you see mine and Sophie’s cameos in our ahjumma clothes?  Actually almost everything GD (coughHancough) was wearing was ahjumma clothes.

Fun Fact: Hugh didn’t open a roller door properly and Han walked into it right before filming. In some shots you can see the big bump coming up on his forehead.

(We were also poking fun at a lot of ‘lookbooks’ on YouTube with this video. Search lookbook on there and you’ll see what I mean).

If you like this video please share it!



Western furniture is something I really miss while in Korea. A lot of homes have barely any furniture, especially out in the countryside. My husband’s parents have a decent sized house for Korea but there is no sofa, no dining table. There are a limited amount of chairs and there is 1 single bed in the spare room. His parents sleep on the floor and we sleep on a mattress (I miss having a real bed too).

Meals are eaten on small tables (밥상) which are put away between meals. I understand why people don’t have much furniture because the space is used in a different way and traditionally Korean houses and furniture are very different to what we are used to in western countries. Furniture is also very expensive in Korea. There is not much range and it’s often quite bulky. While we now have space for a sofa technically, it would still have to be small one. Easy and cheap to get in Australia… not so easy or cheap in Korea.

My body really misses being able to relax on a sofa and I always take the opportunity to sit on them when we visit friends who have sofas. If you watch a lot of Korean dramas and Korean commercials it looks like Koreans have lots of western furniture, and houses and apartments are well furnished but that is not an accurate representation at all! It’s slightly more realistic when they are showing very wealthy families in dramas, but commercials that are supposed to be showing an average family but the average family lives in a huge apartment with lots of furniture?! Lies!

So I’m just stuck with my imagination now. Maybe if I wish really hard and believe… one will magically appear?

Taeyang’s MV

Taeyang MV

Big Bang inspiring him to work out again! Taeyang’s new music video was released at midnight so this happened after midnight. We really like the song and music video so we’ve been listening to it all day. And it was not surprising that Taeyang had his shirt off for the whole video…

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