My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Jinju Ramen

So rather than Wednesday just being Mr Gwon Time, we’ve decided that it can either be Mr Gwon Time or another video. We film a lot of stuff and find we just don’t have time to edit, so hopefully this way you guys will be able to see more of the stuff we do.

If we have a food segment, should we have a name for it? Any suggestions?

Army Fashion

Army Fashion

This is something I’m quite curious about. Mr Gwon has no desire to ever wear that army camouflage ever again and said his friends, who have also done their service, have an aversion to it as well. Some say they have an “allergy” to anything military looking because compulsory military service is so stressful and difficult. Some refuse to ever buy the brands that are used in the military, even though they are just a completely normal brand outside the military too. For example, they won’t ever buy a brand of skin lotion if it was the one they had to use while doing their compulsory military service.

However, I see that military camouflage patterns on clothes and bags all the time in Korea! I’m wondering whether only younger guys who haven’t done their military service yet are the ones buying it? Let me know in the comment section, if you are a Korean guy and you’ve done your service, do you still wear clothes with a military camouflage pattern? Or do you never want to wear it again?

In regards to this type of military looking clothing, what is it like in your country? Is it often used in fashion or is it shunned?

Commenting on Comments – Chuseok

Yesterday was a really big day but we still tried to film our Commenting on Comments and edit it. We managed to do that but then exporting took too long and it was already 2am, so we had to sleep and wait until today. So sorry this video is a bit late!

We show you a little bit of Chuseok, talk about Korean towels and ahjummas in the mountains, open a package and Hugh’s cousins bust in with some fireworks.

Chuseok Food

Chuseok food

It is Chuseok today. You can read about Chuseok here.

It’s a big holiday in Korea and there is a lot of preparation. A lot of food needs to be prepared and there is a lot of fried food. Before we eat it, some is used for ancestor rituals where we pay respects to deceased family members. While I was helping set this up, Mr Gwon was stuffing his face… and then hiding and stuffing his face!

Our tiny village is quite busy today as everyone comes back to their parents or grandparents’ houses. If you are a foreigner in Korea, never try to travel at this time of year! The roads and clogged and the public transport is booked out.

Picnic Under Bridge

There is supposed to be an Ask Us video today but we didn’t get to film it (still not feeling well). Instead we put together this footage from a few weeks ago when Daniel and Chloe were visiting. We went up into the mountains for a picnic, but it was raining pretty heavily. Luckily there was another option and we had our picnic under the bridge, sitting on some tables while surrounded by water. Even though we are in the middle of nowhere, there is a tent set up where an ahjumma cooks food for people and serves them drinks, so we paid just a little bit of money to use the tables and to have some food and drinks. It ended up being a very cool experience. We weren’t really planning on filming this day, which is why it’s not a proper video, but we filmed a bit just because it was so nice

Painting in Korea

Hey guys, I’m not feeling that well today, so didn’t finish my comic. But instead of putting nothing up I thought I’d show you the other art I’ve been working on. I’ve been able to start painting again while in Korea and we have a little studio, so it’s been perfect to start again. And I’m surrounded by the beautiful Korean countryside and feeling very inspired.

I hadn’t done much painting in many many years so I started out small. These are two small paintings I tried first.

These are some flowers I saw in Spring.

Painting Flowers

The sun setting over rice fields and greenhouses.

Painting Rice Fields

Then moved onto something bigger and more complicated. This is a greenhouse and kimchi pots I saw in Busan.

Green House Kimchi Pots

This is what I’m currently working on:

Work in Progress

This ‘work in progress’ may be a commission. I’ve been commissioned but given the freedom to chose what to paint, so if the person who commissioned me likes this one, it’s theirs.

If you follow the social media you will have probably seen most of these, but I thought I’d put them on the blog as well. Sorry there is no comic today!

Mr Gwon Time – Swimming

Mr Gwon: 안녕하세요.
오랜만에 와이프랑 동네에 있는강에 수영하러 갔어요. 물론 저는 물에 안들어 가고 와이프만 물에 들어갔고요. 비가와서 그런지 강에 물이 많이 불었더라고요. 와이프가 호주에서 와서 그런지 여름에는 항상 수영을 하러 가고 싶어했는데, 이렇게 강물에 들어가는건 처음인거 같아요. 와이프가 좋아 하는 모습을 보니 저도 기쁘네요^^ 자주 가도록 해야겠어요 ㅎㅎ 비디오 시청해주셔서 감사합니다.

As I’ve said before, I’m not really allowed to swim in the river here because of the currents but this is a different area. Usually the water is not very high here, but we’ve had a lot of rain lately so the water was higher. I took the opportunity to do a bit of swimming, not as much as I like, but at least it was some.

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